Feeling Stitchy was edited by floresita and written by a diverse group of volunteer craft bloggers who contributed weekly, monthly, or from time to time. Keep reading to learn more about us!

Feeling Stitchy's editor and founder, floresita is an avid stitcher, knitter and crafter. You can see some of her stitching in Embroidered Effects and on her blog. Her version of Edward in cross-stitch was featured in Love Bites: The Unofficial Saga of Twilight. Yes, that's silly. She still thinks it's kind of awesome. She also collects vintage embroidery patterns.
Floresita created the Flickr Embroidery group in 2006, and started Feeling Stitchy a year later, in 2007. She continues to admin, write, and design here. She thinks "founder" sounds so weird and formal and "admin" sounds so cold and managerial. So she's trying out "editor," which more aptly describes what she does here. She's very happy to meet you. Now, go make something. :)
Weekly Contributors

Amy has been sewing, embroidering, cross stitching, and crafting since she was a little girl. By day she's a Librarian and library branch manager, and every other waking moment she's the creative force behind Random Acts of Amy. Her work has been featured on Mr. X Stitch, &Stitches (twice), The Lockport Legend, and CraftGossip, and she's contributed information to Mollie Makes UK. She has been a part of several art shows in her second hometown of Rockford, Illinois.
Amy writes the weekly Friday Instagram Finds on Feeling Stitchy, and has also contributed book and product reviews. She'd love for you to connect with her on Instagram or Facebook.

Based in Amsterdam, Julia Titchfield is an embroidery enthusiast with a lifelong passion for textiles. Since Julia was a young girl she has had a keen interest in embroidery and used to spend many a rainy day on summer holidays stitching away in the family caravan. Her introduction to work with a needle came from both her mother and grandmother.
She went on to pursue this fundamental foundation in textiles more formally at college where she was encouraged to explore a wide range of textile design and in particular surface decoration and machine embroidery. Julia's origami styled dress won the Hand & Lock embroidery prize, and she embarked on an internship with Hand and Lock, which she documented here with her Diary of an Intern posts.

Michelle (aka Mooshie) has been stitching since 2007. She owns more embroidery hoops than she will ever need and describes herself as "a borderline hoarder of floss."

Pam has been a moderator for the Needlework boards on Craftster since 2004 and is the lovely star of the Craftster Quickies video series. In her spare time Pam likes to make silly craft videos and blog and play with her three pups and her wonderful husband.
She is a lover of all things vintage but has a particular fondness for vintage embroidery patterns, which she collects every chance she gets. When she is not stitching, she makes a mean cocktail and will probably bake you cookies if you ask. She has an Etsy shop, Three Jacks Design.