September 5, 2016

MooshieStitch Monday: Plushwork (with cotton floss)

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Last week, I posted about plushwork with tapestry wool.

I decided to try the same technique with six strand cotton embroidery floss and thought I would share a quick post about how it turned out!

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

I used the same template and a variegated pink floss.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Half way through my first layer of satin stitches - so far I like how it looks with the variegated pink.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

I completed 4 layers of floss on each petal.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Once again - the fun part - cutting through the layers.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Pull out the template...

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Here is what it looked like before I "fluffed" it ...

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Here is what it looks like after.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

I really like the end result with the embroidery floss! I also thought it was easier to stitch with the floss than wool, since wool is much more bulky, but I am also new to wool stitching.

A few more photos of different angles...

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

I see lots of possibilities of using this technique to add more dimension to my stitching too.

Plushwork with cotton floss, a tutorial by Michelle for Mooshiestitch Monday on Feeling Stitchy

What do you think? Which version do you like better - cotton floss or wool?

I have a few more ideas for plushwork, so you may be seeing some more posts about it in the future.....