TGIF! On today's Friday Instagram Finds we take a look at @nerdsandneedles and her Instagram account. Redd creates fun pop culture-inspired embroidery and cross stitch projects. I especially love her Doctor Who applique hoop series! Here are some of my favorites from her Instagram feed. Redd used #feelingstitchyig, and I'm glad she did so I could discover her fun and creative work.
While you're on Instagram checking out Redd's work at @nerdsandneedles make sure you follow Feeling Stitchy! We'd love for you to stop by and say hello. You can find Feeling Stitchy on Instagram at the handle @feelingstitchyish. You can find Amy @randomactsofamy on Instagram.
Want to be featured in Friday Instagram Find? Tag your best stitch-related photos with #feelingstitchyig!