Hello! On today's Friday Instagram Finds we take a look at @missminimanna and her Instagram account. Sam creates fun embroidery projects, many of them stitched onto felt designs. I especially love her summertime brooches, the pineapple in particular! Sam's feed is so bright and cheerful, and her photos are beautifully styled and staged. Here are some of my favorites from her Instagram feed. Sam used #feelingstitchyig, and I'm glad she did so I could discover her beautiful work.
While you're on Instagram checking out Sam's work at @missminimanna make sure you follow Feeling Stitchy! We'd love for you to stop by and say hello. You can find Feeling Stitchy on Instagram at the handle @feelingstitchyish. You can find Amy @randomactsofamy on Instagram.
Want to be featured in Friday Instagram Find? Tag your best stitch-related photos with #feelingstitchyig!