March 14, 2016

MooshieStitch Monday: Little Felt Peeps


If you are a reader in the States, you are well aware it is currently the season of Peeps.

They are in every store for Easter right now.

Although I am not a fan of eating Peeps, I wanted to include them somehow in a simple embroidery project, especially after I found this free Peeps pattern.

Here is what I did:

I traced the pattern onto freezer paper (onto the non-shiny side).

Place the freezer paper Peeps (shiny side down) onto felt and hold your iron over the pattern for about 5 seconds.

I used basic craft felt and set my iron to the Acrylic/Silk (no steam) setting. The freezer paper will adhere to the felt just long enough for you to cut them and the paper will peel right off.

I have never used freezer paper like this before and it works great! I will definitely use this method again.

Then I whip stitched each Peep onto my fabric.

Yellow Peep...

Pink Peep...

Purple Peep...

I stitched french knots for the eyes and nose.

I thought it needed something extra so I added some flowers.

Per the Peeps wiki page, it says they are sold in Canada also (you lucky Canadians!), so I am curious if any readers out there know if they are sold anywhere else in the world!

I hope you liked this little Peeps project. If you decide to use the pattern for an embroidery project or anything else, let me know. I would love to see!

Also, have you ever used freezer paper for tracing patterns??

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