September 8, 2015

Embroidered Enamel

Janet Haigh

Here is something different to try, stitching onto ceramics! Janet Haigh produces incredible embroideries directly onto enamel. These embroideries have so much texture and depth to them.

Janet Haigh

Diem Chau incorporates embroidered silk with porcelain to create these delicate plates and cups adorned with her signature illustrations. Diem Chau's embroideries often tell stories and she takes inspiration from her ancestry and past, using old family photos and heirloom china as a starting point. Her work conveys an air of mystery and connection.

Although they are not porcelain, these impressive little eggs deserve mentioning. Inna Forostyuk applys traditional cross stitch patterns to the shells, creating these colourful decorations. Perhaps it is something to consider for next year?

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