It's time for the second letter in our AUTUMN banner for our Summer/Winter Stitchalong. If you want to know more about the project, you can find the details in the kick-off post here.
Linen rectangle
Embroidery Floss: DMC #350, 352, 720, and 779
Once again, this project is meant to be one means of having fun with your stitches and trying new techniques--we're not looking for perfection. I'm focusing on different ways of using the running stitch and cross stitch, but you can do whatever you like!
For this week's letter "U", I again outlined the letter with chain stitch, using 3 strands of DMC 779. For the interior running stitch I used 3 strands of DMC 350, and then wove 3 strands of DMC 352 through the running stitch back and forth from left to right in what I like to think of as a slalom pattern.
For the Mountain Ash berries (common during the fall in the Pacific Northwest) I outlined with 2 strands of DMC 720 using stem stitch. These are especially finicky and in retrospect, I think backstitch would have worked better here.
The stems were stitched with stem stitch (imagine that!), using 1 strand of DMC 779. I altered the berry bottoms from what you will see on the pattern--the 5-star type design on the bottom of the berries was too difficult to stitch nicely, so I changed mine to a simple cross stitch of 1 strand of DMC 779.
How are your Autumn banner designs coming along? We would love to see them, so please share in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr group or on Instagram with #feelingstitchy. There's still plenty of time to join in!
Our stitchalong will return in two weeks with the letter T! Happy Stitching!