The publishers of My Rag Doll have very kindly sent Feeling Stitchy a copy of My Rag Doll to review. My Rag Doll by Corinne Crasbercu of Made in France fame, shows you how to make a traditional rag doll, how to customise its hair, embroider a range of different faces and how to make a whole wardrobe of clothes, shoes and accessories.
I like how many different clothing options there are, from more traditional dolls in pretty dresses to the more themed bride doll (which I think would make a great wedding gift), ballerina doll (perfect for a ballet obsessed girl) and fairy doll. All the dolls in the book are girls but there is a dungaree pattern and I think you could probably adapt the hair and face embroidery to turn one of the dolls into a boy if you wanted to.
The book is gorgeously photographed and I loved how the various fabric options were displayed however there are no pictures or photographs of the actual steps in making the dolls and clothes and I think these would have been useful for people who are new to making this type of toy. I definitely plan on making one of these dolls (I was planning to for this review but unfortunately time got away from me) but I think, for me personally at least, there's going to be a fair bit of Googling for instructions on how to tea dye fabric and videos for making the hair, as both techniques are quite new to me and I'm more of a visual learner.
If you would like an opportunity to have a go at making some of these heirloom toys, leave a comment below, the closing date for entries is midnight on 25th April, UK time, the competition is open internationally.