
January 19, 2014

Patterns: mmmcrafts

Photos from mmmcrafts Flickr

You know how certain things always seem to pop up on your Pinterest? Well the little bird on the left (a bookmark) has popped up so many times on the boards of people I follow on Pinterest, over the last week or so, I just had to investigate who this brilliant designer was further!

It turns out that the bookmark was made by the creative spark behind mmmcrafts and although the bookmark doesn't seem to be a pattern, you can find loads of other mmmcrafts patterns here and here. I particularly like the Flora needle book and the snow bird  patterns. Flor, the editorial brains behind Feeling Stitchy, also really likes the snow bird pattern, she's made loads!


  1. This is such a lovely project! xo

  2. Wow, thanks so much! I loved making that book mark and it's possible there will be a pattern, but it's at the end of the list. :-) Many thanks for the linkage, and man, those snow birds by Flor are gorgeous! Loved looking at those.

  3. Wow, they're gorgeous!

  4. Thank you for the link, so lovely :-)
