January 3, 2014

A bright new start...

Olá! I have to begin wishing a great 2014 and an inspiring new beginning... 

I was thinking that I wanted something really special to begin this year with. Something that could inspire us to believe that this year we can have a bright new start...

And then I remembered these photos... These pictures are a few years old... They are pictures of the first embroidery stitches of my younger daughter.

The first photo shows her first work with needles. She was 5 years old... The three flowers were hand drawn by her and she decided to add the beads on her own... For her first stitches...

The other pictures show how she became enthusiastic about embroidery... At that time she was already an expert, but still 5 years old...

Why these pictures?? To inspire us to have a new beginning this year... Do you imagine those little hands enjoying her first stitching? And how important it is not being afraid of needles (or of anything else)? And how amazing it is to learn something new?

This is what I wish for we all this year... That we may learn many new things without being afraid...