Hi all! Hope your post-Thanksgiving tummies are treating you well! I'm here to share some lovely pics that Heather Lin passed along to us - up there you see her beautiful Stitch the Stars Tea Towel - a gorgeous fabric print that is available on Spoonflower.
Heather also put together a photo tutorial on Pinterest to guide you through the basics of stitching her calendar. Her tutorial features really clear, awesome photos that are a great help to anyone wanting to perfect their French Knots:
Isn't that awesome?
Heather has 2 lovely stitching-themed calendars in her shop, including a cross stitch Year in Stitches calendar:
And, my personal favorite - this Stitch the Stars calendar kit, complete with glow in the dark floss!
Well, now for the exciting news - Heather has kindly offered to send a Stitch the Stars calendar kit to one lucky Feeling Stitchy reader! All of our readers are welcome, including our international peeps!
To win, leave a comment on this post by Sunday, Dec. 1, 9 PM US CST and answer the following question: What is your favorite constellation?
Edit 12/3/13: We have our winner! Our random pick was Ashley: