July 11, 2013

Cross stitch kit celebrating love

Olá! Today I bring you a very simple idea to touch the heart of someone you love in a very special day... Sometime ago I was invited to the wedding of one of my goddaughters. I wanted to give her something special, so I decided to make the favors that she offered her guests.

I confess I loved the final result and they were a success... These were the favors received by the ladies, I prepared something different to the gentlemen... But they were also asked to craft :)

At some point, during the reception, men and women were crafting and that was very funny!!

Wedding favors - cross stitch heart
Cross stitch kit, my photo
Wedding favor - cross stitch heart
Portuguese poem, my photo
Wedding favor - cross stitch heart
Cross stitch kit celebrating love, my photo
Women and man wedding favors
Ladies and Gentlemen's favors, my photo
Wedding favors
The decoration at the reception, my photo
Wedding favors - cross stitch hearts
Embroidered hearts during the reception, my photo
At the end of the reception there were some hearts already stitched!!!

Do you know which is the popular expression, in Portuguese, for "Wedding reception"? It's copo de água... And the literal translation would be "glass of water"...