
April 23, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!

I have a tutorial round-up for you today, with some great projects ideas and stitching techniques. Hope you enjoy and give one, or all of them, a try!

Do you have a favorite scrapbooking stamp you wish you could embroider? Jennet Mae Jones shows you how over at the Feathered Nest Studio

If you are like me, you love having embroidery everywhere, including accessories, and sunglasses are no exception. Head over to Honestly WTF, for instructions on how to make your own pair of cross-stitched sunglasses.

If you need a new case for your stitched sunglasses, or would like a cute new pencil case, Gingermelon Dolls has a super cute tutorial. This is a great tutorial to practice your blanket stitch with. 

Japanese needlework known as, Sashiko, is gaining in popularity. If you would like to learn how to Sashiko, head over to Saké Puppets for quick lesson. 

There are so many amazing tutorials that are available, but these are just a few that I thought you would enjoy.

Hope you have a happy Tuesday!


  1. Amei as indicações!

  2. Thanks for the link! I love all the tutorials you've recommended!

  3. These are adorable! I love the glasses. Thank you for the round up!

  4. These are soooo cute!!
