
April 9, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Hope you are all doing well! I know Spring is in full swing for some of us, bringing fresh blooms in the garden and thoughts of warmer temps that don't require a jacket. It seems that almost everyone I know has been headed to the beach for a bit of a Spring break and reprieve from chilly weather. I decided I would join in, but whenever I travel with a swimsuit, I always end up with a less-than-lovely plastic bag for my swimsuit. Which prompted today's tutorial: A swimsuit travel bag.

I purchased this pattern from The Story of Kat a while back, and had been looking for a place to add her vintage swimsuit. I thought this was a perfect place for it. 

If you would like to make your own swimsuit bag, you'll need the following supplies:

-fabric cut into two 10x11-inch pieces
-two pieces of clear vinyl in 10x11-inch pieces
-embroidery pattern of choice (I used this)
-embroidery hoop
-coordinating floss
-embroidery needles
-sewing machine with thread of choice
-one safety pin
-a 40-inch piece of ribbon
-seam ripper

Note: If you have the clear vinyl bags from comforter or bed linen packaging, it works in place of the vinyl for this project. As well as oil cloth or coated cotton.

Step one: Transfer your embroidery pattern onto the fabric of choice and stitch. I used white cotton muslin for the front of my bag, with a gingham fabric for the back. Cut your pieces of fabric and vinyl into 10x11-inch pieces.

Step two: Using a 1/4-inch seam, sew around three edges of the vinyl. Turn it inside out and set aside.

Step three: Place the fabric pieces right sides together and stitch a 1/4-inch seam around three edges, leaving the top open.

Step four: In order to create the vinyl lining of this bag, place the fabric pieces you just sewed, inside of the vinyl piece. Make sure the wrong sides of the seems are facing one another. 

Fold the fabric over to create a 1-inch hem and pin in place. 

Step five: Set your sewing machine to the zigzag stitch, and stitch around the hem where the fabric edge meets the vinyl. I went over this stitch twice just to reinforce it. Trim away threads right at the edge of the stitch.

Step six: Flip the bag. You should have a pouch now. Take your seam ripper and open up the seam on the side of the bag, just above the zigzag stitch. You only need to open up the seem on the outside, not the inside top of this hem.

Step seven: Place the safety pin on one end of your ribbon piece, and begin to thread it through the hole you just opened the seam to. 

Use the safety pin as a guide to gather the fabric and push the ribbon through the top hem of the bag. 

Once you pull the ribbon through the opposite side, trim the ends of the ribbon and knot the end. 

Step eight: Add swimsuit and take off to the beach or pool!

This is a quick item to make. If you leave out the vinyl and use a fabric lining, it works as a travel bag for underthings, as well.

Hope you give this tutorial a try and have a very happy Tuesday!


  1. Bonito y práctico tutorial. Gracias.

  2. This is so cute! And useful! A bigger version of this could be a solution to those who commute through messy weather. Once at the office, put on your pretty pumps and use a cute vinyl lined bag like this to hold your sneaks or other weather proof shoes in our bag until time to go home.

  3. So cute. Such a great idea for the holiday season.
