Hello guys! Lynda of Scandinavian Stitches wrote to tell us about a wonderful event coming up soon, April 19-21!
Twice a year, I transform my home into a two-story Needlework shop and open up to fellow stitchers. Those who have come in the past have had so much fun, that they come year after year, and they bring their friends. I have door prizes, snacks and a thank you gift for everyone, just for coming. They meet fellow stitchers and share their projects in a supportive community environment.
Doesn't that sound amazing? Well, Lynda was kind enough to invite any Feeling Stitchy readers who are in the Stamford, Connecticut area! All she asks is that you RSVP to info@scandinavianstitches.com or call 203-637-6832 - she will reply with her address and directions.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to be in the Connecticut area, and Lynda wanted to share something special with all of our readers... so she is generously giving away 1 pack of 25 skeins of Danish Flower Threads!

Look at those delicious blues! These threads look gorgeous, and I'm sure you'll relish the opportunity to stitch a little something with them. Lynda has graciously opened up this post to our international readers as well, so all are welcome to enter!
To win, leave a comment on this post with your email address, and answer the following question: If you could stitch with anyone - present, past, or fictional, who would it be?
As for me, I'd love to stitch with Edith Head - she created the looks of my all-time favorite stars, and I bet she'd have some fascinating tricks up her sleeve. And I'd want to see those glasses up close. :)
How about you? I'd love to see who you'd invite to our Feeling Stitchy stitching circle! Comments will be open until 9 PM CST on Sunday, April 7. I will either choose a random winner, or my favorite - we'll see! ;)
One more idea -use that "vote up" button in our comments to vote for your favorites!
I would love to stitch with my late grandmother. Her hands were magical.
ReplyDeleteErica Wilson would be my choice. She had a store in Townsend MA for some years (well, I never saw her there, but it was an Erica Wilson needlecrafts store), and I loved her designs. adlp@optonline.net
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch wioth Jenny at Elefantz. She is my favorite pattern designed these days :)
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother - I don't remember her but I have some of her work!
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I'd love to spend time with Mary, Queen of Scots and watch all the beautiful blackwork she created come to life. She had to do something during all those years of imprisonment! :-)
ReplyDeleteThérese de Dillmont. What a legacy she left in the DMC books - I love them.
ReplyDeleteOh those blues, those blues! I think I'd like to stitch with a dressmaker for royalty somewhere in history ... using such lavish materials and making such vivid garments... camelama at the gmail!
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance!! I would love to stitch with my great grandma. She was the only one in my family that really liked that kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteWould love to stitch with Jane Austen, I am sure she would have some great tales to tell!
ReplyDeletemy mom.... she taught me to stitch when I was just a little girl and I still love it, so does she! but alas we live far apart... I miss her! ellynzins(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI would stitch with Mary Corbett or Jenny hart. those colors look yummy
I'd want to stitch with Jenny Hart! Hands down, no contest. :)
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of being redundant, I would also say my Grandmother. She taught me to sew and especially do redwork. When I was young we would sit on this little terrace on a hill in my parents backyard and she would teach me stitches.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to meet and stitch with my ancestor whose sampler from 1829 hangs on my studio wall. Or my grandmother!
ReplyDeleteThose blues do indeed look gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to stitch with a Welsh textile artist called Eleri Mills who's work I greatly admire, I'd love to talk to her about her work :)
If I could stitch with anyone, I would stitch with my sister, Irene. She is 15 years older than me and has always been a creative inspiration to me. She taught me to embroider when I was just 16 years old....I turn 60 later this year. Embroidery has been a lifelong joy for me and I would just love to try some of the beautiful Danish Flower Threads.
I would love to stitch with Jenny Hart. She has great ideas and I'd like to learn more about her music career.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful colours...I would stitch up an apron, for each of my 2 girls! ♥ Wish I were in CT.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'd stitch with Betsy Ross, who may have sewn the first American flag!!! (and my email is mama_marfa@yahoo.com)
ReplyDeleteIt would definitely be my Grandma Jessie. I didn't appreciate the art as much when she was trying to teach me. We would have a blast now.
ReplyDeleteIf I could stitch with anyone, I think it would have to be Dame Judi Dench :)
ReplyDeleteI would want to stitch with Gerda Bengtsson. Her stitched scenes are among my favorites.
ReplyDeleteI really wish I could stitch with my Bapcha (grandmother)!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to stitch with Juby Sarah Roxy. She has such wonderful picture tutorials. See? http://www.embroidery.rocksea.org/reference/picture-dictionary/
I'd love to stitch with Albus Dumbledore.. after all if he loves knitting patterns, he might as well love embroidery
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful colors.
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with my grandmother. She tried to teach me when I was little but I never had the time. Now I look at what she made for inspiration.
I'd like to stitch with Martha Washington. This was really fun to think about! Thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd pick Jillian Tamaki, she's an illustrator but has made some amazing embroideries as well.
ReplyDeleteIf I could bend time, I'd like to stitch with my grandmother in the past and daughter in the future - at the same time! That would be a hoot!
ReplyDeleteI'd pick Jillian Tamaki, she's an awesome illustrator who has done some beautiful embroideries.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Mark who I do stitch with regularly, and my late grandmother
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with Mary Delaney whose silk floral embroidery and paper cuts are so tremendously inspiring
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have my Grandmother to sit and stitch with! She used to smock and embroider for me as a child. Her work was/is beautiful she died before I started to enjoy the same hobby, though I'm lucky enough to have some of her work.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a round table stitch-athon with Jenny Adin-Christie, May Morris, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and my Granny - what an awesome event that would be!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely fabulous to see these threads getting a plug - they are so beautiful to stitch with - please let them go someone else.
I love to stitch with my grandmother :) she is good with embroidery :)
ReplyDeleteI would like to stitch with the people who made tapestries in medieval times, like the Bayeux tapestry. They would all work on these huge pieces together and start with a knot on the top instead of the back because if it was on the back it would be too difficult to turn the cloth over and it would disturb the other stitchers.
ReplyDeleteCrazy good colors... and I'd like to invite everyone to stitch.
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with my mother, she passed away before I became interested in it. If I had a runner up it would be Gerda Bengtsson, I love the Danish Handcraft guild floral stuff.
ReplyDeleteMary, Queen of Scots or Anne Boleyn. I love history almost as much as embroidery. Would be amazing to see their needlework skills and see what their lives were really like. holland_lops@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteDefinitely with my mom. She has dementia and doesn't know me anymore but I remember all the stitching we would do together. It began when I was six and we did a pre stamped tablecloth together. She was pregnant with twins and couldn't more around much so we had the loooong hot summer to stitch away. Thanks for the opportunity to respond
I would love to stitch with my late Aunt Margaret. I miss her.
I'd love to stitch with my Grandmother and Mother ~ they were both very good at embroidery and I miss them both very much.
ReplyDeleteParker Kelly
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with Jane Austen's Elinor Dashwood. I think we would have made great friends.
There are a whole lot of people I would love to stitch with - I find stitching seems to loosen the tongue and all sorts of stories come out. If it is just one though it would be my late maternal grandmother. She passed when I was 7 but she was the one who taught my mother her love of creative stitching and I would love to just sit and stitch with her, maybe we could work on the quilt she and mum started for me all those years ago.
ReplyDeleteI'd stitch with my grandmother, she used to be a home economics teacher, and I'm sure she'd have loads of tips and tricks as I embroider. :)
ReplyDeletep.s. I'm from Singapore! hope that's ok :)
It'd be really fun to sew with all my Great-Grandmas (I'm super lucky and get to sew with my Grandmas still!) With this thread I suppose I'd have to pick the Danish one though!!
ReplyDeleteEu gostaria de aprender, olhar de perto e ao vivo o trabalho de Monika Kinner do blog: mysweetprairie.blogspot.com sou uma grande admiradora do trabalho dela!
ReplyDeleteLindas, lindas linhas!
Um abraço!
If I could stitch with anyone, I think it would be Margaret Sherry because I love all of her whimsical animal designs! I would also love to learn more about thread painting as well.
ReplyDeleteI would stitch with Elizabeth, the first Queen Elizabeth, one of my historical heroines - and an avid needle worker.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to teach my little cousin how to stitch. She's 8 now, the same age I was when I started :)
I would love to stitch with my grandmother. She was more of a knitter but she taught everything, so it would have been nice to share our patterns
ReplyDeleteRoosevelt Grier would be my choice. He's a mountain of a man in many ways. Rosey played in the NFL for the NY Giants and the LA Rams and is considered one of the best football players of all time. He was present when Robert Kennedy was shot, and grabbed the assasin's gun and subdued him. In addition, he's been a powerful community mover and shaker.
ReplyDeleteThose of you too young to remember Rosey may be surprised that he wrote "Needlepoint for Men'" and has been stitching for many, many years now. That took a Real Man way back then. I'd love to sit and stitch with Rosey and listen to all the stories that are in him, and hope to soak up a bit of his bravery and humanity just by being near him and sharing a stitch or two.
I would stitch with my mother who passed away 10 years ago. OH what a conversation of joy we would have. ( KBUCKINGHAM@carolina.rr.com)
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with the ladies from the Royal School of Needlework in London. I would love to learn from them and hear stories of working on royal wedding gowns.
ReplyDeleteagatha christie i would love to stitch with her
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much from the books of Erica Wilson-I'd love to have stitched with her!
ReplyDeleteI don't know any famous stitchers other than Betsy Ross. That might be fun! I'd love to sit with needlework while listening to Louisa Mae Alcott tell stories too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for including us from across the sea. I would love to stitch and converse with Frida Kahlo.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful spring colours! I would love to sit for the afternoon and stitch with Margie Ooman of Resurrection Fern. She seems so lovely and thoughtful, not only in her fibre works but in life itself.
ReplyDeleteOh, if I could I'd love to stitch with my aunt Tila, who was a wonderful person and knew the embroidery of Madeira Island. She made wonderful quilts using this technique and sold then to support her family. Eliane
ReplyDeleteMy Nana (great grandmother). I didn't know it was her who did all the basic, but pretty stitching on many of our pillow cases until after she died. I would love to have learned from her :)
ReplyDeleteI would like to stitch with my grandmother. She passed away 4 years ago and I miss her so much. She taught me how to knit when I was young, and it would be so great to stitch or knit or anything with her.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway.
I would love to stitch with a ladies group back in Victorian England. Oh, the beautiful stuff they made. And was there a more frilly and feminine time period?! BTW, I just found this blog and love love it!!
ReplyDeleteI'd honesty love to stitch with my sister. We live several hours away and spending time with her would be great.
ReplyDeleteI love Albus! Great idea :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway! If I could stitch with anyone, I think it would be my great grandmother, Nellie Hope. She taught my mom so many things, like sewing, and tatting and canning. She was a huge influence on my mom, and she died when I was very young, so I would love to get to sit with her for a few hours and soak up some of that Granny love and knowledge.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be able to stitch with my friend Kristi (aka Stitchy Stitcherson). :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to stitch with my grandmother, of course, but I'm gonna say Cleopatra! I don't actually know if she sewed... but it's a need idea! brittanymaguet@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteWhat lovely colors. I would love to stitch with my Grandmother Rena. She was the lady who taught me to embroider when I was a tender age of four. Miss her very much, but think of her every time I pick up an embroidery project. Now I'm teaching my grandchildren to embroider and they love it as much as I did.
ReplyDeleteI would have to sit and stitch with Miss Jane Marple. I love Agatha Cristie!
ReplyDeleteI would love to stitch with the Bayeux tapestry ladies as well. I'm curious how they lived. Did they have special lodgings? What did they do when they weren't stitching. Thx for the giveaway!