The featured needlework on Craftster this quarter is Fionna and Cake from slientblair. Can I just say, "WOW!" The stitching is this piece is AMAZING! The icing on the cake is that slientblair is AWE-SOME! So stinking nice, I can't stand it! Check it out!
Tell me a little about yourself:
I am a manic crafter. I tend to have several projects going at once to work on depending on mood, location, or child proximity. Therapeutic crafting makes lots of sense to me. I love to try my hand at any and all crafting, but lately my heart is in embroidery.
Tell us a little about the piece:
This is Fionna and Cake from the Cartoon Network Show “Adventure Time”. The purpose for stitching this up was for the “Invite Your Partner Swap, R22” on for my partner QueenofMarigold. I also love to take any opportunity to do studies in texture…
What/Who inspires you:
I’m greatly inspired by nerd/pop culture and things that make me laugh. I love mixing up texture in my stitching for fill-ins and the contrast of textures inspires me for how and where I might do a certain fill.
In real life, my Monday Night Knit Nite peeps. They rule and are priceless for bouncing ideas and advice! (ex: Heather Dreisbach, her color choices and intricate stitching push me to try and impress her. Online inspire-ateers are so many on both craftster and pinterest I could fill this whole page up! SO many talented people: Averia, KittyKill
LimeRiot, Helena Puck, Homerof2…to name a few.

What advice would you give to newbies:
I would say, to not fear a certain fabric or stitch. The fantastic thing about the stitchy-craft is you can rip it out if it’s not working. Experiment with transfer techniques. My favorite way is to tape the image printed out on my window and then tape the fabric over that. I then trace onto the fabric with a water soluble marker…
What are you working on next:
I am just about finishing up a hoopla of Vanellope Von Schweetz “You’re My Hero” Cookie Medal, from the movie Wreck it Ralph.It’s got some felt aspects ala LimeRiot and buttons and thread! Oh, and it's big...I'm using a 12 inch hoop. I usually tend to stick around the 6-8 inchers.
One of the best days of my life is…
This just comes to mind, but I’m sure there are more meaningful ones…
The fateful day was way back in the year 2000. I went to a Zena, the Warrior Princess convention in Phoenix and the speaker was…Bruce Campbell! I got the guts up to get in line to have him sign a meek little scrap of paper, and he was awesomely, good naturedly snarky to me in such a way I carry it to this day. We had a little back and forth about “The Blair Witch Project”, and me not getting as much crap as I should’ve because I share a name with the movie. At least in my opinion, we got to have “a moment”.
The memory will live with me forever! 

Awesome artist! She's right in my wheelhouse. I'll certainly be following her!