
April 4, 2013

Bad beginning with happy ending

Olá! I believe you share with me the opinion that each piece of embroidery has its own story... Looking at old pictures I found these and they reminded me of their story... I remember that this began with a sad birth... While stamping the hibiscus pattern, I made a mistake - note the hisbiscus' petal on the right side.

So, instead of only embroidering the outline as I usually do with this pattern, I decided to fill it with french knots. That was a challenge... But I'm crazy about french knots, so it was a delightful challenge...

Só nós!!! "So knots"  :)

And we can say that this was a story with a happy ending... What do you think?

Addicted to french knots

I believe that this story tells a lot about embroidering... Anyone who teaches embroidery knows that learning to embroider implies learning to deal with frustration... That is very clear with children but with grown-ups the same thing happens... How to correct a wrong stitch,  how to deal with something unexpected, what to do when you run out of thread... So many things can go wrong... And so many things can have a happy ending... Just like in our lives!!

I wish you a week with many "happy endings" - finais felizes!


  1. This is so true for handmade in general, too. Everything has a story and a lot of projects come out of 'happy' mistakes. :) Glad this had a happy ending, it looks beautiful. French knots really are lovely!

  2. Very philosophical - and true. :-)

  3. Gosto muito de nó francês também, mas para preencher um desenho é preciso paciência demais!!!!
