As always, I invite all of you to join our group or at least stop by and take a peek. There are lots of new embroideries with vintage patterns being added on a regular basis that are totally unrelated to any monthly SAL. Mom Walds Place & I are are also on working on making the "discussion" part of our group more chatty so keep your eyes out for regular discussion posts by various NEwVP members on a weekly basis -- the first one, exploring different and exciting threads, has already been posted by sugarglider500! (Please see this post if you would like to volunteer to write one or more discussion posts!)

I am a stay-at-home mom in Prescott Valley, Arizona. I love to cook and bake, garden, sew, thrift, and of course, embroider. Stitching helps me keep those creative juices flowing and has connected me with lots of wonderful people through blogs like this and other needlework groups. The support and guidance that I have received over the years from the stitching community is amazing. Stitchy peeps are the best!
2. Tell us a bit about the embroidery (specifically your August SAL piece) you made.
I wanted to create a scene around the basic teapot pattern that was provided for this stitch along, so I began browsing Flickr for vintage patterns that would give me some depth. When I spotted the pattern with the kitten in the teacup, I knew it would be the perfect fit. The cup included a little floral pattern, so I then went on the hunt for some flowers that I could stitch onto the teapot to create a coordinating set. I used GIMP to layer my various patterns and play with scale and wound up with a kitten crashing my tea party. I used basic stitches on the design and tinted the kitten with a little bit of decorator’s chalk to provide some contrast. I finished the piece by using it in the center of a Dresden plate quilt block for some pop.

3. How long have you been stitching? What or who got you started?
I did a few needlework projects as a child and teenager, but didn’t really get into embroidery until I had children. I joined a local moms’ group where babies were being born on a regular basis and I wanted something handmade that I could give as gifts. At that time, I didn’t know how to sew and we were on a budget, so I picked up some burp cloths and embroidery floss and started stitching. As my skills improved, I got involved in the needlework communities on Craftster and Flickr where I received great encouragement and inspiration from other stitchers. I’ve been steadily stitching now for the last 7 years or so.
4. Why do you like vintage embroidery patterns? Do you have a favorite one or a favorite theme?
My mom said that I was born about 40 years too late. I have always been attracted to the bright colors and cheery designs of items from the 30s, 40s and 50s. When I discovered the Hoop Love Vintage Pattern group on Flickr, I thought I’d died on gone to Heaven. Anthropomorphic patterns that put sweet smiling faces on fruits and veggies and pots and pans are my favorite. I don’t think a kitchen is complete without at least one silly embroidered tea towel.
5. Do you have a favorite embroidery stitch? If so, why?
I use backstitch a lot because it works so quickly and can go over a variety of lines. I like stitching text and by varying the number of strands of floss you can do just about any font with backstitch. It isn’t a very exciting stitch, but it gets the job done and it holds up very well if an item needs to be washed.
6. Anything else you would like to share?
1. Please tell us a bit about yourself.
(A silly little blurb)
About me: vintage 1954, writer, four smart, funny, accomplished children, three adorable grandkids, cat, dog, old house, sewing, knitting, books, books and more books. And multiple sclerosis.
(A more serious approach)
I am a widowed mother of four grown children. I recently retired as a nurse and healthcare executive due to increasing disability from multiple sclerosis.
2. Tell us a bit about the embroidery (specifically your August SAL piece) you made.
I am a true Anglophile. And a heavy duty tea drinker. So I loved the idea of the tea pot. And I thought since it was the Jubilee Year, it would be fun to put one of bcampbell_to’s Coronation motif’s on a teapot and then maybe stitch it into a tea cozy.

3. How long have you been stitching? What or who got you started?
I have been stitching since I was a little girl. My beloved Aunt, my grandfather’s sister, taught me. She was a brilliant seamstress. She is still alive, bright and active at 96. But I was away from it for many years. I was widowed young and had to work to support four kids. I was just too tired to do much else. Now that they are grown and I am disabled, I have the time to indulge in sewing again.
4. Why do you like vintage embroidery patterns? Do you have a favorite one or a favorite theme?
I love the vintage look because it is so nostalgic to me. I especially like patterns from the 1930’s. That is when my house was built and I have it decorated mostly in a 1930’s style.
5. Do you have a favorite embroidery stitch? If so, why?
I like anything that is a little intricate and has a lovely result. I like a bullion stitch and the Palestrina stitch. I like experimenting and trying new stitches.
6. Anything else you would like to share?
I don’t think there is anything left! Except I do write two blogs, Nourish: living, laughing, whining (http// and MS Renegade (http// Please stop by.
I love Xperimental and her work!