
June 5, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

I have a quick and fun tutorial for you today. I like to practice my stitches sometimes, and when I do, I end up with something that looks like this...
My mom and I were practicing some of our stitches; She needed a little refresher on her french knots, and I needed to practice my satin and chain stitches. For whatever reason, we put our practice stitches through a handkerchief. What to do with this random piece of stitchery? I decided to make a small wind sock.
To make this quick and easy wind sock, all you need is:
-A piece of fabric with your stitches that measures 15x15 inches
-Embroidery thread in various lengths
-Steel ring (I used one 5-inch ring)

I found these steel rings at Hobby Lobby in Albuquerque, but I did see them at Michaels, as well. 

Step 1: Take your piece of fabric and stitch the vertical seams together. I used a running stitch and connected the ends of the fabric by barely overlapping the ends at a little less than a centimeter.
Step 2: Take one steel ring and insert it just inside of the top of the fabric. You are going to fold the fabric over this and stitch through to enclose the ring. I used a running stitch for this, as well.

Step 3: Cut three pieces of embroidery floss at 24-inches a piece. These will become what you use to hang the wind sock with. 
Stitch one 24-inch piece through the inside of the fabric covering the ring. Loop it around and pull it through the fabric once more. Don't knot the end just yet. Repeat this for the other pieces of floss. 

Step 4: Take the three pieces of floss and pull them evenly. Then create a knot, leaving a loop in order to hang the wind sock.

Step 5: Hang it up!
This is very quick and very easy. I hope you enjoy!


  1. You are so smart!  What a creative way to use your practice stitches.  I like.

  2. Oh I'd love to make something like that and hang it outside the window.  On my to do list now!

  3. great idea, kristen! i need to get into embroidering again, i know i keep saying it but i really gotta get back to doing it!

  4. Darlene Barnes RosnerJune 6, 2012 at 8:21 AM

    Love your wind sock!  Thanks for posting this!!

  5. Darlene Barnes RosnerJune 6, 2012 at 8:22 AM

    Love your wind sock! Thanks for posting this.

  6. Lovely wind stock! Great idea for summer decoration!

    Fan, by SofaN!
