For those who are just seeing this now and would want to make one, you can check out and get the patterns from: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
Back to our little sandwich case. We got the embroidery and beadwork done:
Next up, I transfered the design unto the fabric. I used a picnic table cloth that I found for cheap as the lining fabric since I could not find any oil cloth here. You don't have to transfer the design onto the lining, just baste them together like so:
Then next I started on the scallop stitches using two threads.
Then I cut them out to prepare for the button-hole stitch. (Sorry for the change in lighting, these were taken at night):
I used two threads of black for the button-hole stitch. There's grey threads sticking thru on the top part, so it might have been better to use three threads. But I already find it thick as it is so I will continue using two.
And this is where I am at after a month and half and a one baby later :-) I will post the finished Sandwich case on the Embroidery pool on Flickr this week and next Monday tackle a new project!
P.S. Yes, the embroidery is not centered, it happened when I transferred the design :-( Something I really have to watch out for in the future. I am comforting myself by saying, "That's its charm."