
May 10, 2012

Winner of the Reader's Choice Stitchalong

Winning by a teensy margin of 3 votes is the pattern suggestion : Narwhal with a tattoo scroll! With 288 total votes - it was a close race, and an extremely fun one, in my opinion. :)

Final Results:
Narwhal with tattoo scroll
82 (28%)

Circus train car
51 (17%)

Angler fish
23 (7%)

79 (27%)

53 (18%)

a whole lot of floss

That means that a whole lot of floss - 100 skeins of Anchor floss, to be precise, will be going to the contributor of the winning suggestion, Lissa!

To everyone who contributed suggestions, thank you for your creativity, awesomeness, and just plain weirdness. :) And to Tala, who devised this whole idea of a Reader's Choice pattern, to be drawn by her, especial thanks! Anybody else super-excited about next month's stichalong? I know I am! :)


  1. WOOT! Can't wait. I love me a good old-fashioned, tattoo-themed narwhal! Congrats Lissa!

  2. YAY!!! There were some fabulous suggestions, but I am looking forward to Tala's narwhal!  :)

  3. I've got a few preliminary thumbnails sketched out already!

  4. looking forwards to seeing the finished design! 
