
May 7, 2012

Reader's Choice Top 5!

Ok peeps, the results are in - Tala looked over all your incredibly diverse, odd, and fabulous suggestions, and has chosen her top 5!

Here's what Tala had to say:

It was really difficult to narrow my choices down; I picked things based on what I thought my artistic abilities could do justice to, but I also tried to lean towards patterns that readers wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. And, dear readers, if you're sad that I didn't choose yours, don't give up yet: these wonderful suggestions have definitely set my brain to churning- there may be some comment-thread-inspired patterns popping up on my own blog over the next few months.

1) Narwhal
...which was suggested in various incarnations five times in the comments. I particularly like the idea of "A Narwhal! ... maybe with a tattoo-ey scroll/legend to go with" as suggested by Lissa - it makes me think of a vintage tattoo flash inspired narwhal.

2) Circus Train car
("I'm fascinated by old-fashioned circus train cars, with all their bright colors and decorations." from Nora) Though I doubt I'll be able to keep to traditional animals- watch out, those of you who wished for dragons and monsters and such.

3) Angler fish (possibly with bowtie or general bow)
as suggested by Ehme ("I would like a creepy deep sea fish, like the ones with the gnarly jaws and the lantern over his head. I guess he could be all cute and stuff for the general public, with a bow tie or a nice cummerbund on his way to the fish prom or something. ") Though I feel the biology pedant's need to point out that the big creepy angler fish with the teeth and the little glowing lure sticking out of their foreheads are all female- if you ever feel a hankering for some weird science, look up the sexual dynamics of angler fish.

4) Origami
from Maya Matthew

5) Chameleon
(which I plan to make a great opportunity to use all those bright colors- nothing does color quite like a chameleon), as suggested by Sussieg. Seriously, google image search "panther chameleon". Rainbow madness!

So there you have it - the 5 finalists for next month's Reader's Choice Stitchalong pattern, to be drawn by the talented Corvus Tristis! And one of those 5 peeps will win 100 skeins of floss! I think you should get to voting for your favorite entry!

Poll closes promptly on Wednesday evening, 10 PM US Central time. And if you're looking for the poll it's on the top right hand corner of the blog, which means you feed-reading peeps will have to click over. Let the voting begin! :)


  1. I vote Narwhal =)

  2. I would have to say the Chameleon but the Circus Train car is a close second...

  3. I'm watching the poll numbers like it's a spectator sport.  Go team!

  4. Woohoo!
    Tala's work is always cool... Narwhal!!!

  5. Just a reminder to cast your official vote in the poll in the upper right hand corner. You can comment here if you want to share your fave, but it counts for nought unless it's in the poll - use your vote! :)
