February 27, 2012

Love: kghawkes stitching

all you need
stitched by kghawkes

It seems that kghawkes had trouble finding the Twisteez brand wire and subbed jewelry wire instead for the February stitchalong - I think her version looks just as lovely! It's um, looking pretty bare in the pool for this stitchalong - only 1 in progress and 1 finish! I'll be doing a final check-in post on Wednesday, so you still have time to craft your own version, tag it "feb2012stitchalong" and add it to the pool.

I was noticing kghawkes stitched up both stitchalongs already this year and that got me thinking - I'd like to give a special prize at the end of the year to someone who crafts every stitchalong with us. Sound fun? Then join in! :)

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!