
January 6, 2012

365 Lucky Days

The Artist herself: a young Lucky
Last September Lucky Jackson started a remarkable project called 365 Lucky Days. For one year she creates a new work of stitched art, each day. Within the 365 days Lucky does 'mini-series', pieces connected by a theme from portraits of family members to mug shots of celebrities to new years resolutions. My favourite might just be the 'I think I love you but I'm only a preteen and my mum says it just hormones' week. Lucky just past the '100 days of Stitching' mark so it's about time we got to know the talented lady behind the challenge a bit better!

Steve McQueen. Notice the 'jail suit' stripes in the background.
Who is Lucky Jackson?
Hmmm. I'm a mother of two gorgeous girls (4 and 6) and wife of the world's greatest husband. I am a self taught artist that loves everything vintage. I am an extremely optimistic person. I like to think I am a pretty funny gal (the jury is out on if I actually am)

Where do you find inspiration?
I have always been a bit of a recluse and have found company in books, music, movies and visual arts. I am a culture vulture. I think that is where I draw a lot of my inspiration from. I also collect a lot of vintage dresses, boots, cameras...and of course fabric. These items inspire me daily. I just kind of look around at the things I have and the things I have seen and the stories I have heard. I like to think my art is a combination of the two.

Bombshell: Marilyn Monroe
Any specific artist(s) that influence your work?
I love, graphic novelist Adrian Tomine. Luke Haynes blows me away with every new quilt he does. And I love the work of Children's book illustrator Oliver Jeffers. We collect all his books and the girls are always having to retrieve his books from my studio.

What inspired you to make a stitched work of art every day?
I keep journals of all my ideas and I kept thinking..when are you going to make them? You can spend a few hours surfing the web or you can make something.

Blog crush: Erin of 

You use some awesome fabrics in your pieces, where do you find them?
Value Village, Vinnie's (local thrift shop) my friend My Girl Thursday just gave me a huge bag of the most fabulous fabrics ever! People know what I do and there has been bags of fabric left on my door step with kind notes of encouragement. I live in the best town (Peterborough, Ontario) ever!

Richie Tenenbaum
In your 365 days project you work with different 'themes', do you have enough ideas to last you until day 365?
I have lots of ideas. What I need is more time! (ed. luckily 2012 is a leap your so this just might turn into a 366 days project!)

Family portraits

What is your personal favourite of all the pieces you made so far?
I like the portraits I did of my family. Ben and I as kids and my kids dressed up like super heroes.

What good has the project brought you so far?
I am so grateful for the press the project has received. People are so super supportive and encouraging. It blows me away. The most surprising thing about the project is how happy it makes me! I really love making something new every day.


You can follow Lucky's progress on her 365 Lucky days blog. Some of her 365 days artwork is available in her shop.


  1. Wow, I am in awe of this work. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  2. Oooiii, awesome and so inspiring! 2 kids and a daily project, wow!

  3. I am a huge, huge fan of Lucky Jackson and of this project! Her talent astounds me. I mean, first of all, all the finished pieces are just plain awesome. Secondly, how does she do a new piece every day? I'll never understand it. Planning/designing my embroideries takes me forever, so to just be able to pick up and stitch these amazing pieces? Geez, I am dumbfounded. Great interview, thanks!

  4. Amazing work! Just so full of character. Prolific doesn't even begin to describe this girl, more like embroidery powerhouse!
