Hey guys! It's floresita here, with the last post of the year and our first stitchalong of next year! I was up at the crack of dawn a few days ago, couldn't sleep, and instead started to brainstorm a felt banner idea for the new year. I was thinking of new year's resolutions, and mine just happened to be - try something new every month. What haven't I tried yet? Couching!

Using my own cursive, some yarn, and embroidery floss, I decided to give couching a try for the first time. If you, like me, have never tried couching before, this is a perfect simple project to try it out with!
Here's a nice video tutorial by Mary Corbet on couching: http://www.needlenthread.com/2006/10/couching-video-tutorial.html
And here's a very nicely photographed tutorial by Sarah Whittle: http://sarahwhittle.blogspot.com/2010/08/how-to-couch.html
If you'd like to join in this stitchalong, everything you need is pictured up above - a pen or pencil, scissors, pinking shears (if you want a decorative edge on your felt), embroidery floss, yarn, and felt.

I made a pattern file with the template pieces and a nice cursive alphabet called Handsome (if you don't trust your own handwriting). :) Get the free pattern.

Your finished banner can be a new year's banner, or maybe a Happy Birthday banner - with the letters in the pattern file, it can say anything you want. All you need to do to join in is add your picture to the embroidery pool and tag it "JanStitchalong"!
You don't have to wait until you're finished - we love seeing in-progress projects (check out my progress, below)

I'll be back to check in later this week with my progress and a walkthrough of my first try at couching. In the meantime, why don't you line up some colors and materials, feel free to ask any questions here, and let's get stitching! Although, depending on how many spots I hit this evening I may not get to your questions right away tomorrow... ;) Hope you guys have a great time tonight and have lots of fun with this! :)