November 27, 2011
Patterns: Whistle While You Work

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
November 23, 2011
Covered in Stitches Winners!!!
The third place goes to Lisa Leggett with her piece Wynken, Blynken and Nod. Her piece won 14.4% of the votes.You will receive one book of your choice from the Penguin Threads classics, an owl floss organizer from Girl on the Rocks and a $10 voucher from Shiny Happy World.
Congratulations to all the winners! Please send me an email at followthewhitebunny AT e-tropolis DOT nl with your full name, home address and email address.
Fire place sampler
Now, this is my kind of cross stitch sampler! Love everything about it, the little scene, the colours.
And is it just me or is there something Matisse-esque to this?
November 20, 2011
Patterns: Nativity Set

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
November 19, 2011
Have you voted yet?
I thought I'd share one last look at the Top 10, as we move into the last few days of voting...
Superman by Huzzah and Fancy Pants - detail

Can you believe this is their first embroidery project - wow!
Still Life With Woodpecker by cappywanna - detail

Wonderfully stitched and a hilarious novel, too. :)
French Revolutions by the Stitchsmith - detail

Intricate stitching - I can only imagine the hours that went into this piece!
The Great Gatsby by broderies de Cecile - detail

Vibrant blue fabric with letters and details stitched so carefully they look painted!
The Adventures of Tintin by wendalene - detail

Lots of bright chain stitch creatively accented with watercolor and color pencil.
Dune by funkembroidery - detail

Metallic thread, dense stitches, intricately layered strips of fabric. And - she hand-dyed the muslin... with spices.
Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Lisa Leggett - detail

A whimsical, colorful piece with many different stitches, color tinting and applique sail.
No.1 Ladies Detective Agency by Embellisher - detail

Layers of fabrics, dense piles of colored stitches and - the croc is made of French knots, people.
The Invisible Mountain by SpidersPaw - detail

A fascinating piece, painstakingly stitched, filled with movement and color.
Contes des Mille et Une Nuits by coeurdefreesia - detail

Applique, sequins, beads, and many, many different stitches.
Yeah, try picking one of those. Sheesh this was hard! :) Still haven't voted? Vote here!
Who did you vote for, and why? Come on, you can tell us - who is your fave? :)
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
November 18, 2011
Bushy Tail
So when I think of stumpwork (which is essentially raised embroidery) I tend to think it's all beetles, flowers and forest critters. Nothing wrong with that of course (see our little bushy tailed friend above) but I was surprised to find a few very modern examples in our Embroidery Group as well. Like this Skeleton Fire-Banner by Childrenplayingwithfire and this Green Man by Rebbeca Ray. And let's not forget the KISS piece by Drop Dead Quirky! These pieces certainly make me want to attempt to create a stumpwork piece too!
November 15, 2011
Covered in Stitches Contest: vote for your favourite!
The Feeling Stitchy team had the incredibly hard task to select 10 embroideries entered for the Covered in Stitches Contest, for the public vote. Yes, it's now up to you, dear Feeling Stitchy readers, to choose your favourite Embroidered Book Cover!
Please click here to vote until the 22nd of November 12 pm CST. Please vote only once. Any duplicate entries will be disqualified.
But let's first meet the nominees (in no particular order) and find out what the judges had to say about the pieces in their reports!
The Great Gatsby by Broderies de Cecile "Love the eyes and lettering, so clean"
Superman by Huzzah and Fancy Pants "The lettering is perfect! Love the satin stitch"
Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Lisa Leggett "Brilliant stitching, shading and applique, you can feel the movement in this, it's got everything."
The Adventures of Tin Tin by Wendalene "I had to look closely at this one to see if it wasn't some kind of printed on fabric it looks that accurate, but nope, all stitching and shading, fantastic."
Dune by Funkembroidery "Muslin hand-dyed with kitchen spices? How awesome is that!"
Still Life with Woodpecker by Cappywanna "Brilliant choice of book cover, perfectly executed."
The Invisible Mountain by SpidersPaw "The creative use of fill stitching on this piece is mind blowing."
No.1 Ladies Detective Agency by Embellisher "Fantastic recreation of the cover, yet with the stitching it somehow manages to look even better than the original, I love how textured it looks"
French Revolutions by the Stitchsmith "I like the different stitches used. Especially the little 'airflow' details on some of the letters."
Conte des Mille et Une Nuits by Coeurdefreesia "The face and the colors are wonderful, love the metallics"
Again, we were quite overwhelmed by the many great entries for this contest. We loved that many of you used techniques like fabric dying, tinting and appliqué to create the finished book cover. Another highlight was the crazy amount of fill stitching on many of the embroidered book covers! It was also lovely to see a couple of first time embroiderers among the contestants (and even making the final 10!).
Now go on, vote for your favourite!
November 14, 2011
It's the eyes
It's a character called Totoro from Japanese anime film My Neighbour Totoro.
November 13, 2011
Patterns: ~glenda's Christmas stitching
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
November 11, 2011
Charley Harper Water Drop Quilt
November 8, 2011
Covered in Stitches Contest update
WOW! We are absolutely delighted by your submissions to our Covered in Stitches contest. Many contestants have clearly put a lot of thought, time and effort into their embroideries. And to learn that there is so much talent among our readers, is quite humbling.
In total there were 45 embroideries entered by 42 contestants (if I counted correctly). Some books appear several times (Anne of Green Gables was a popular one) but on the whole there was a large variety in the book covers that were chosen. From Science Fiction to children's books and from cook book to comic books. According to the descriptions of the pieces entered for this contest, quite a few embroiderers have expanded their stitchy horizon to complete their work. Either by the scale of the project or by trying out new stitches or techniques. There were even a few contestants who made their very first embroidery for this contest!
Early next week a shortlist of candidates (as chosen by six members of the Feeling Stitchy team) will be presented on this blog. After that Feeling Stitchy readers can vote for their favourite Embroidered Book Cover!
November 6, 2011
Patterns: Studio M.M.E Illustrations

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
November 4, 2011
More Embroidered Book Covers to look forward to...
Penguin has done it again! After the awesome Jillian Tamaki embroidered book cover designs for the the Penguin de Luxe Editions of Emma, Black Beauty and the Secret Garden (now all available!) there are three more 'Penguin Thread' titles to look forward to! Rachell Sumpter has stitched some fantastic cover designs for Wind in the Willows, The Wizard of Oz and Little Women. The designs are wonderful but equally important: embroidery gives these cover illustrations warmth, and really makes them come alive.
If you want to know a little bit more about the design process of the first three 'Penguin Threads' books check out this short interview with Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley and Jillian Tamaki.
This Monday our 'Covered in Stitches' contest comes to an end so if you are playing along please remember to post your photos in our Flickr Group in time. As you may recall one of the grand prizes is the full set of the first three 'Penguin Threads' books! If you are not submitting an embroidery, have a look in the group anyway. I"m so very impressed with all the submissions so far!
November 1, 2011
Día de los Muertos
I love Día de los Muertos. It is a wonderful celebration honoring those who have passed on. Phizzychick stitched this amazing Day of the Dead teacup and saucer. I love the rustic feel to it and I think it would be a great addition to my alter. You can check out her other greatness on Craftster and in her shop.