
February 26, 2011

February Vintage Pattern Stitchalong: Week 4

Well it's the final week of the Vintage Pattern Stitchalong and I am all done! I popped in a cheesy movie this morning and put the final touches on my second pillowcase.

Then, I crossed my fingers, turned them inside out, and washed them. I usually don't turn my stitching inside out, but I wanted to be extra-careful because I'd done so many French knots...

Voila! I was fortunate and the faint charcoal lines washed right out and the stitches held up perfectly:
pillowcase #1 detail

I ran out of a couple of colors, so I swapped colors between the two pillowcases, which would make for a good game of "spot the differences," if you are very, very bored. :)
pillowcase #2 detail

I added some extra french knots around the large flowers in the middle of the design - I used to hate French knots, but once you get the hang of them they are very addictive.

So, here they are washed (ahem: unironed - a girl can only get so much done in time for same-day blog posting) and ready to go:

But, sheesh, next time I choose colors for a blog post to photograph, I think I'll stay away from teals and fushchias! They look so pretty in real life, but it's almost impossible to capture true-to-life shades of pink and blue in photos. I did tons of monkeying around with my camera settings just to get these pics.

But now, on to my favorite part - your stitching! :)

Ninimakes gets double points for creativity by stitching on a shirt she made herself (from a Built by Wendy pattern):
Stitchalong top in sunshine

I love how elegant the design looks in one color and it contrasts so well with the subtle pattern in her fabric - gorgeous, Ninimakes!
Stitchalong complete

I love the placement Avrienne chose for her t-shirt stitching, and the pretty autumn palette she used:
Feb Stitchalong Shirt

Aimee also stitched her design on a t-shirt - I really, really love the details in this progress shot:
feeling stitchy: stitch along take 2

Speaking of in-progress, I also love the details in this project by hannita - can't wait to see it finished!
stitch-along start

Lisa chose light colors that show up well against her blue fabric:
february stitch along - close up

I love how everybody approaches their stitches in a different way - I love the loose, open stitches and extra French knots in this version by Megan:

Last but certainly not least, 2 of our own bloggers at Feeling Stitchy joined in...

Jo also stitched her design on a pillowcase:
Feeling Stitchy Feb 11 Stitch along 2

And Carina stitched up her own modified version of the pattern, with lots of lovely pastel colors:
Feeling Stitchy - February stitchalong 2011

I wish I could have featured every single one of you - but HEY, why don't you help us make a list of everyone that took part? If you joined the stitchalong this month (even if yours is in progress), please leave a link in the comments!

Thank you so much for stitching along with us! I hope you all had fun and were inspired, even if you couldn't join along. This was super fun and inspiring for me - I pulled out embroidery I literally have not touched in years.

Be sure to check back with us for more stitchalongs - I happen to know that there's a really, really, really good one coming up.... :)

Recap of the February Stitchalong:
Download the pattern (thanks, Claudia!)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3


  1. Yes! More stitchalongs please, this was so inspiring!

  2. These patterns are great, and seeing some other people's interpretations was just what I needed to feel inspired to use these. Once I'm back to stitching again, I'll be sure to share the pix. Thanks for this fun activity!!

  3. I wish my bed linen was a cheerful as yours Floresita (and I love those extra French Knots you put in)!
    Thanks for hosting this, it was great fun making all those lazy daisy stitches.

    P.S. Thanks for double points too :)

  4. Hi, I did do one, but I am not happy with the colours.... it was fun though and I will probably do another as it was nice and quick...

  5. Oh - I forgot... I love all the ideas... especially cheering up a T shirt - I would never have thought of it...

  6. Your pillowcases are so pretty! I like seeing how everyone did the design also, Avrienne's is my favorite! I think I'd like to try that out on a tank top!

  7. everyone did a lovely job with their embroidery, especially like the one on the back of the tee.

  8. This was so much fun.... here is a link to mine...

    I'm excited for the next one.

  9. This project was actually my first real embroidery project ever. I definitely need to learn more stitches (currently only using back-stitches), but I really enjoy these projects. Please, let's do one (at least) every month! Thanks for encouraging me to try something new.

    Here's a link to my blog post featuring my finished pillowcase:

  10. thanks for the shoutout...can't wait for the next stitch along :)
    aimee aka daisyeyes

  11. this was fun- i definitely want to do it again.
    avrienne- i never would have thought to do the back of a t-shirt. that's a brilliant idea; i may steal it :)

  12. This was so much fun. I love seeing how everyone else used the pattern. Very inspirational.

    I'm not quite done with my little pillow yet as I have no stuffing, but I'll be sure to post pictures to my blog as soon as its done. :)

  13. @Casey - thanks, I'm blushing!

    @Lisa - steal away, it's not like I'm the first to ever do it! I just like to have some plain-fronted shirts with surprising stuff on the back, since I almost always have my hair up.

  14. I thought my transfer pen was going to work, got it out along with a scarf and it was dry as a bone! weep! I can't wait for the next one... I will be all set with my transfer pencil by then! I love how creative people get with the same pattern!!!

  15. Thanks for hosting this stitch along, I can't wait for the next one. It was so much fun! Everyone did a beautiful job! :)

  16. I've been so busy I haven't had chance to even start mine, but I still plan to! I'll add a link when I get some photos :-)

  17. Loved the stitch along! I was getting frustrated with my main projects that I have going and needed something fun to stitch- This stitch along came when I needed it! Thank you!

  18. I just love it ! congratulations and thanks for the link to the pattern !

  19. Just found you on True Up (Embroidery feature) and so happy I did. Just printed off the pattern to start tomorrow. Now subscribed in GReader, hope you'll have another stitchalong soon, I love seeing everyone else's take on a design. thanks!

  20. Oh, I love them all!
    This was a fun stitch-along.

