Hey guys! Here we are at week 2 of the vintage pattern stitchalong and I was so excited to see so many of you joining in and adding your pictures to the pool!
Need the pattern? Download here (thanks, Claudia!)
Want to see week one? Here you go!
Last week, I started off doing all the lazy daisy stitches in the large flower design (and whoa, were there a lot!)
Step 5: French knots
Next, I tackled the French knots in the middle of the flower:

Now, I know French knots are kind of the most dreaded embroidery stitch, but once you get the hang of them, they're not bad at all!
Need some step by step instructions on making the perfect French knot?
The Purl Bee: French knot tutorial
Sublime Stitching: Fool proof French knot
Needle n' Thread: French knot tutorial (video)
Step 6: Changing My Mind
Predictably though, after looking at my stitching, I changed my mind about the colors I'd picked:

I was inspired by the blues I used on the French knots (and my bright blue sheets), so I picked out the outermost row of pink lazy daisy stitches and made them a bright turquoise blue instead:

Next week, I'll take you through the rest of my stitching, but before I go I want to show you some of the awesome projects you've been posting to our Flickr pool!
Nicole printed the design on notecard paper and made cards:

Eeva rose modified the pattern into this lovely design that fits perfectly in her hoop:

Lisa transferred her pattern to a dark fabric and started with some vibrant peaches, pinks and reds:

Jen modified her design to include clusters of French knot flowers with stems, and satin stitch details:

Gorgeous stuff, you guys! If you've joined in, why not add a picture to our Flickr pool and show us?
Here's another idea - if you're stitching along on your blog, why not leave a link to it here? Then next week I'll also feature projects from the blogs you link to here! Thanks for joining in, and let's get stitching! :)