And these ones by Ana Vergara are wonderful as well. The Bullion Knot is also known as the Coil Stitch or Caterpillar Stitch and you'll find this stitch often in Brazilian and Portuguese embroideries. This stitch is perfect to make flowers and roses with. This embroidery by Inger Loureiro is another great example of that
I got so inspired by these beautiful examples in the Flickr Embroidery Group that I decided to try this stitch on a boring old cardigan I had in the back of my wardrobe. Obviously I need to add more Bullion Knot Roses (and practice a bit more, it's far from perfect!) or maybe add some other stitching but I do think it's a rather lovely way to embellish an old cardigan.

Check out this video tutorial on Needlenthread.com about the Bullion Knot. It's a pretty easy stitch to learn so give it a try!