Here I am with fabric designer, new book author, and all around awesome person Melissa Averinos. Melissa's new book, Small Stash Sewing, features a wonderful project for embroidered unicorn and moon pillows. And whaddayaknow, that unicorn was at Quilt Market, too! (Psst ... as Nicole blogged a few posts back, the unicorn pattern is available as a free download on the Wiley site.)
Me & Melissa Averinos

Alyssa of penguin & fish
Bard embroidery pattern, courtesy of Follow the White Bunny
Amy Butler and Melissa's unicorn, courtesy of the yummygoods blog
I had the pleasure of meeting Alyssa of penguin & fish, one of my favorite online sources for adorable embroidery patterns. Her booth was absolutely beautiful and Alyssa was one of the nicest people in Minneapolis. I can't wait to see what she does next!

Alyssa of penguin & fish
Feeling Stitchy's very own Nicole (of Follow the White Bunny fame) also made her quilt market debut. Though she couldn't be there in person, she was well represented by a preview of her upcoming collaboration with fabric designer Lizzy House -- a series of embroidery patterns based on Lizzy's new fabric line, Castle Peeps. The fabric is amazing, and Nicole's patterns are sure to be, too. My mind is spinning with ideas of how to use them in some sewing projects ...

Wha'? There's that unicorn again! This time he's getting snuggly with the one and only Amy Butler. It was amazing for me to get to meet Amy in person -- I can almost singlehandedly credit her with sparking my interest in sewing and quilting via her amazing fabric designs. She is as warm & lovely in person as you might expect her to be. For all you knitters, Amy was showcasing some of her brand new organic yarn for Rowan.

One product that caught my eye was this sleek little LED lightbox, perfect for embroidery patterns and other types of transfers. I sure would love to get my hands on one of these!
I had a great time at Quilt Market, and though it was my first time, I certainly hope it won't be my last!