June 30, 2010
Beautiful Stitching
June 29, 2010
Good morning

Stitched by luckyjackson
I am adoring the gorgeously stitched portraits over in luckyjackson's stream. Go check them out!
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 27, 2010
Patterns: Tea and Scandal

Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
June 25, 2010
Art in NYC

Stitched by Joetta Maue
Just one of the many gorgeous embroidered artworks at the From the Tongue exhibit opening last night.
A few more pics. Amazing stuff!
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 24, 2010
Exciting News! - from the tongue exhibition in NYC!

from the tongue...
an exhibition of works on paper and/or fiber exploring the use of text and language.
Curated by Joetta Maue
June 24-August 6 2010
Opening Reception Thursday, June 24, 8-10pm.
34 North Moore St/Lotus Gallery Space, Tribeca, NY, NY
Artists include:
Allison Manch, Audrey Manning, Bren Ahearn, Bridget Franckowiak, Brooke Holloway, Drucilla Pettibone, Elana Adler, Ellen Schinderman, Eloise de Hauteclocque, Eric Johanni, Grant Olsen, Iviva Olenick, Jamie Chalmers, Jee Hwang, Jennifer Hunold, Jung Eun Park, Katrina Eaton, Kirsten Rae Simonsen, Kristen Wulff, Lathorial Badenhausen, Leila Daw, Leslie Nichols, Marcy Chevali, Marilyn Henrion, Mary Coss, Nathalia Cortada, Orly Cogan, Richard Saja, Rubi McGrory, Sarah Bahr, Susan Moss, Susan Sharman, Tricia L. Johnson
I am extremely honored to have one of my pieces in the show, and I am absolutely giddy that it will be in the same space as pieces from my brother from a European mother MrXStitch, my very first craft crush VSC, and the amazing Bren Ahearn, king of the large-scale sampler. My mind is blown!
If you're able to drop by the show, please do - with so much great stuff there, I'm sure you'll be glad you did!
June 20, 2010
Patterns: Aimee Ray
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
June 18, 2010
Chippy & foxes on bikes
I heart Chippy the Chipmunk! I think Naomi used about 3 different colours brown here to create this lovely lively fur. Do check out Naomi's photostream , there are many great original embroideries to be found. Like these two foxes riding their bikes.
Naomi also has a shop where she sells her awesome embroideries (and other goodies as well).
June 17, 2010
Embroidered animation

Stitched by Aubrey Longley Cook
Penny just shared this on our Facebook page but I had to share it here, too. Seriously, click on this. You will not be disappointed. A-mazing.
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 16, 2010
And the winner is....

Joey's Dream Garden!
Out of 770 votes, Joey won with 183 votes cast for her amazing piece. Seriously, if you haven't yet, you need to click through to the large size and do some zooming in to appreciate the stitching. It's incredible. She'll be receiving the Rainbow of Stitches book and full set of DMC floss!
Here's the breakdown of the votes:

There was a LOT of movement in the voting yesterday, with LadyHazard's entry swinging in to second and Jacque's entry into third. I sat down with some embroidery last night and had a great time monitoring the end of the contest.
Remember that each of our category finalists will be receiving prizes as well! Each winner will receive a package with a bit of the following: embroidery floss, pdf patterns, vintage patterns, fat quarters, blank tea towels or pillowcases. Winners: please Flickrmail me, floresita, with your address so we can get your package sent out to you.
Thank you so much to everyone who entered this contest, everyone who voted, and all of our finalists. This was an amazing showing of talent.
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 15, 2010
Have you voted yet?

Just asking because you never can tell who's going to win these things, you know... From time to time stuff happens in the last few hours... I'm just sayin'
Voting ends at midnight tonight, ET. I know I'll be staying up to see who wins!
Edit: 12 AM 6/16 - Voting is now closed! Winner will be announced later today.
p.s. I removed those handy "who's winning" links so there'll be no peeking!
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 14, 2010
Dude! It's the Dude!

June 13, 2010
Cast Your Votes!
Want to take a look at them all again, zoom in, pore over them with a cup of coffee, pulling your hair out, trying to choose just one? Go ahead and do that. You've got time.
Voting closes at 12 AM, Wednesday, June 16 (NYC - Eastern Time) and the Grand Prize Winner, chosen by all of you, will be announced later that day.
Ready yet? Yeah?
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
Winner in the Surprise Rainbow Category!

So we added a surprise category to the Rainbow of Stitches contest (in keeping with our tradition of surprises.) Although we wanted to celebrate monchromatic works, we also felt we had to give the entire rainbow a chance. Our winner, JacqueLynn, singlehandedly dominated the category with her talented abstract creations, and I was in awe of her energy to create. So, let's meet JacqueLynn!
Describe yourself
After YEARs of thinking I have to do my list of jobs first, and art second, I have switched it around - and am so happy.
What inspired your entry?
The first time I saw Takashi Iwasaki's embroidery art on the internet, I was awed! His work inspired me to do abstract embroidery.
Favorite stitch?
I love chain stitch - it fills and curves well - it works in so many places. I like to put different colored French knots in the chain, to look like polka-dots
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
Stitching fills a need I have to use my hands. Although I draw digitally, stitching helps me use my hands in a more physical way than I do when I draw.
How did you get started?
My Mom taught me to embroider when I was 8 or 9. ( and sew and knit, and garden- i.e. pull weeds, and almost crochet - she was a lefty and had a hard time with doing the hand switch thing when showing me to crochet.) Just the other day, I was reading a blog about someone trying to learn to sew - and all I could think of was how lucky that I learned all the tricks, techniques and little secrets from my Mom. THANKS MOM!
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy pool that you have noticed?
Oh my gosh, yes. I started looking at the photos from the Feeling Stitchy pool that I have added to "my favorites" and had 7 flickr friends just on the first page of my favorites.
All total, way too many to list. - I find that looking at the art that others have created is so often a jump start to a new project. It's about looking at someone else's art and thinking - "I love that!" What did they do that is so right for their piece, then thinking about it and learning from it. Feeling Stitchy pool and blog is such a great place to see the kind of embroidery art that I can learn from.
Also in the Rainbow Category...
There were lots of standout creations in our last-minute wildcard Rainbow category, but a few of my favorites were:

Dragon by fatquarter

Voodoo Chic by anyakase1

Totally Gay by Giddy Girlie
Thanks to all our stitchers, and congratulations, JacqueLynn!
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
White Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

Wow, who knew that judging the Rainbow of Stitches contest would be such hard work? There were so many amazing and highly deserving entries in the white category that it was hard to pick a winner, but big congrats to Caitlin (saltyoat) for her winning entry.
Want to get to know Caitlin a little bit better? Here's how she answered our winners' questionnaire ...
What inspired your entry?
I was actually really inspired by this piece. I love doily and lace patterns, and knew I wanted to create a piece that reflected that. I also liked the idea of using the work to experiment with stitches and create a sampler of sorts. I started stitching the piece in an embroidery class at the Stitch Lab here in Austin.
What is your favorite stitch?
French knot
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I'm really inspired by vintage embroidery transfers and fabrics. I also get a lot of inspiration from the blogs I read, Flickr, and the thrift stores I frequent.
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I started cross-stitching when I was a kid, using premade kits (horses and Christmas ornaments were a part of my repertoire). I started doing embroidery last fall, using Jenny Hart's Embroidered Effects as my textbook.
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
I really love the white stitching on paper that jessicakelly entered in the contest (editor's note: we love it too and this entry was a close second!), and I'm a big fan of the work of septemberhouse, doe-c-doe, and the Pin Pals.
Thanks, Caitlin ... and good luck going up against the colors!
For some more of the outstanding contest entries in the white category, check out the mosaic below or browse our gallery.
Patterns: Dandelions
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
June 12, 2010
Black Category Runner Ups

1. c and h scan, 2. Magician Bunny Take 2, 3. twins, 4. on our backs set (not safe for work), 5.The Flower Thrower, 6. The Spider and the Fly-6, 7. Haunted Mansion Wallpaper Embroidery for Giddy Girlie, 8. Rod Serling piece - finished!, 9. "Kiss Me Deadly" poisoned lipstick
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
Black Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

I’m a lover of all things colorful, crafty and cool.
What inspired your entry?
I’ve always had a thing for bunnies -- they show up in all pieces of my work in one form or another, but I had never had an embroidery piece that I fell in love with right from the beginning. Until this one. I had been wanting to start a new series of art for my Etsy shop, and the “Feeling Stitchy” contest was the perfect opportunity to get my creative juices flowing!
What is your favourite stitch?
I have to say the basic Back Stitch. It is what I use for all of my embroidery outline pieces, as it allows me to perfectly follow my freehand-drawn doodles. I have also come to love the French knot immensely!
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I think the “what” that inspires me to stitch would be boredom. Nothing occupies my bored mind better than embroidery! I will sometimes get inspired for a new doodle in the middle of the night and will jump up to draw it before I forget. When I have a new doodle to stitch, my hands are just itching to get started!
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I learned the basics of stitching when I was young. Started off with counted cross stitch, but I found that it was harder for me to follow a set pattern and I would usually continue on making it up as I went, and seeing how it looked best, for me. I still have trouble following a pattern! I decided last year to gather up all of my embroidery notions and start stitching again. I think embroidery has now become a part of who I am and I’m loving it!
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
Most definitely! Just from this Rainbow Of Stitches contest alone, I have seen an amazing and inspiring amount of talent out there! I have completely fallen in love with every colorful and beautiful piece made by carlyandmelissa, the craziness and awesomeness that is davis.Jacque, the classic and spectacular cross-stitching by What Delilah Did, the fabric and floss combinations by Poppy And Lime, and about a billion others whose art and talent make me swoon every single day.
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
Pink Category Winner-Rainbow of Stitches Contest.
Oh Boy! Was it ever hard to pick a winner! There were so many amazing entries that narrowing it down took forever. I was completely blown away by everyone! Drum roll please.....The winner of the Pink category is SewLovelyEmbroidery.
Describe yourself in 10 words or less......
I am very immature for my advanced age ...
What inspired your entry....
I love the era of flappers...great fashion, great dancing!!! I love bubbles and mostly I really, really LOVE Champagne!!!!!!
What is your favorite stitch
Le French Knot ....ooooo la la
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I come home from work, everyday, tired. Katy and I inspire each other to keep going and create new and exciting things. I love that I can watch TV and actually be productive! I am inspired by the Flickr Embroidery pool daily, I love to look and see what other people are creating..I am not sucking up....it's the truth!!!!
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
When I was younger my deaf aunt Eileen (who was taught back in the day...) knew every kind of hand crafted art from making lace to knitting and everything you could imagine- which OF COURSE I did not appreciate at the time!! Neither did my 6 sisters but we did eventually come back to it....
To keep us busy during the summer we had to have "quiet time" where we would read, paint or do something creative.We did a lot of embroidery.... Aunt Martha's Patterns..... and I grew to love the lush colors of the thread....I mean come on... they were inexpensive even by my babysitting pay standards!
I had given it up for years until Katy, my sons' sweetie-pie came along and started to embroider and we went on some camping trips and we started not only to embroider but to come up with designs we thought other people might enjoy!
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
Wow! I LOVE Alexandra J. Walters painterly stitching. I love lagidgette, her choice of colors and paint mixed with embroidery is amazing.
June 11, 2010
Violet Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

The winner in the Violet Category is Lena aka LadyHazard !
Choosing my favorite in the "Violet" category wasn't tough (okay, it was a little tough). But, Lena's stitched version of "War and Peace" by Picasso was my immediate favorite.
Lena, tell us....
Describe yourself in 10 words or less.
Library school student and lover of beautiful things.
What inspired your entry?
When I was a kid, my mom had a comforter whose pattern was a few Picasso sketches repeated all over it. I didn’t know where the images came from, but I spent countless hours admiring it. A few months ago, I happened upon one of the images on the Internet and I gasped, recognizing it from that old blanket and I knew immediately that I had to stitch it up.
What is your favourite stitch?
I love the French knot; it’s such a pain but I love the texture it adds to a piece. It seems to look best when used either sparingly or entirely. Weird, huh?
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
The real question is what doesn’t inspire me? I look at things and can’t help but wonder if I could stitch a particular image or embroider on a particular surface. I have so many projects down the pike because of this—I only wish I had the time! Also, I just want to have and gift beautiful things to people I care about.
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I picked up cross-stitching as a teenager because of my mother and my older sisters. They all did it. It’s an Albanian tradition to stitch up a bunch of things to decorate your house with, in anticipation of a future marriage. However, being the contrarian and feministy kind of gal that I am, for years I associated embroidery with this old-world style of thinking and refused to do it. I finally picked it up again a little over a year ago, once I realized that I could stitch up literally anything and for any reason I wanted. It didn’t have to be about biding your time until a man came along, it was about creating something you love with your own hands and being proud of it. Most importantly, embroidering flowers is not mandatory.
I still haven’t built up the nerve to try cross-stitching again, though. Maybe one day! =)
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
There are so many impressive (and frankly, intimidating) stitchers! I adore every single thing that lagidgette makes, and luckyjackson:: does some impressive things with fabric. Oh, and how funny are Stephanie Tillman’s What Party embroideries?!
Thank, Lena, and congratulations!
Quick Heads-up About The Next Winner
But even if you can't scroll down now, be sure to have a look because it is amazing!
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
Blue Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

Hi there! I was tasked with the challenge of choosing a winner in the blue category, and let me tell you, there was a lot of really amazing stuff to choose from! Ultimately, though, there's only one winner - and it's meaganileana!
Describe yourself in 10 words or less.
'exploring a body of lines one stitch at a time'
What inspired your entry?
I was alone in a hotel room in Ahmedabad, Gujurat (India) feeling hot and sweaty...thinking of a project to fill a few lonely hours and focusing on my body (as usual!) which was feeling especially private during a time filled with modest Indian clothes and behavior. The desire to experiment with shading to, at some point, create more complex pieces birthed this piece.
What is your favourite stitch?
How can I pick one? I love back stitch, chain stitch, seed stitch, running stitch and the occasional french knot. I feel like these stitches would fill every stitching need.
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I draw from true moments in relationships and also from bodies. Things I return to: plants, babies, nudity/anatomy, queer relationships, friendships, private moments and sweet nothings. The most recently finished piece is the one that inspires me to keep going, It's like an addiction. Sometimes even the stitches themselves are what excite me about starting a new piece.
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
My mama taught me when I was tiny (3 years) and my family is one full of sewers and embroiderers, but I fell into what is available on flickr in 2008, when I was out of college and looking around for fun new ways to make art. Since then it's been experimentation with a few successes.
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
There are many, but a few entries that particularly caught my eye are SewLovelyEmbroidery's white, Lady Hazard's purple, evilsarah's blue, and many black pieces: Elizabeth J. Smith, Spider's Paw, goodcanary, distracted muse. So many lovely pieces!
June 10, 2010
Green Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

The Green category of the Rainbow in Stitches Contest had many great entries and they were all so different too that I had a hard time deciding on the winner. There were a couple of photos that I kept coming back to though and especially Sarah's embroidery 'Green' had that 'Awesome-I-wish-I-thought-of-that' factor. It is stitched with a very neat satin stitch on one of my favourite fabrics ever (Katie Jump Rope by Denyse Schmidt) and I admire the minimalist approach.
So...without further ado I would like to introduce: Sarah!
Describe yourself in 10 words or less
Hobbyist needle jockey
What inspired your entry?
I *love* this fabric sooo much I just had to do something fun with it.
What is your favourite stitch?
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
Bare walls and requests from my boyfriend
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I've been stitching for about 2 years now. My boyfriend asked me one day why I bought all these craftbooks and didn't "make" anything. I guess that pushed me to just go for it and not worry about failing.
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
Doe-c-Doe her stitching and applique is *so* amazing
Girl Incognito (Itsastitch) lovely chemistry embroidery
Some great other entries that caught my eye were Green by Raphaela TE, Luna Moth by Giggly Mama, and Autumn Tree Lady by Say Say oh Playmate. But I could name many many more. Thanks all for participating, I can't wait for the next contest!
Yellow Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest
Describe yourself in 10 words or less
Oh yes -- way too many to list, but here are just a few:
June 9, 2010
Orange Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

I think (hope!) that you realise how difficult it was to pick a winner - I'd really like to have picked a few!
Well, without further ado, here is the winner of the Orange category. I picked it because Joey has used a very limited number of colours to great effect. And the use of several different stitches gives great texture to the piece. A job very well done!
What inspired your entry?
My love of the colour orange! For me, it's the best colour because it's warm and makes me feel relaxed. It's one of the colours of a beautiful sunset and the colour of my favourite flower, the California poppy. It ranges from deep, rich rust, through the brightest, juiciest oranges, to pale pinky peach. It's a happy, bouncy colour!
What is your favourite stitch?
The french knot, partly because when I finally learnt it after years of not getting it, I felt a real sense of achievement! It was like discovering one of the deep mysteries of the universe... I love it because it's so versatile, you can use it to fill areas with one colour for a great texture, to achieve an effect like Seurat's pointillism or just add a few little dots on a tiny embroidery.
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I love embroidery as a means to create pictures; I'm attracted to the beauty of threads of different colours skillfully worked into amazing stitches. Embroidery can be done by just about anyone; plenty of us have done embroidery at primary school. It's such a versatile art form and I love to see how far it can be pushed. I myself have a long way to go!
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
My mum taught me a few basic stitches like backstitch and chain stitch, when I was about 7 years old (which was partly to get me to help her darn socks) but it's only just in the last two years that I've come back to embroidery and started to extend my repertoire of stitches. I find online video libraries of stitches, like Mary Corbet's Needle N' Thread how-to videos really useful, because not only can you see the stitches being made, you can learn at your own pace.
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
Yes! But I'll just talk briefly about three... I love how Palewildwoodflwr's Happy Little Tree shows beautifully what you can do with one stitch (chain stitch) and one colour, to create texture and the illusion of depth. I also really like Kajin's Hommage à Blossfeldt because it reflects the beauty of simple plant shapes which Karl Blossfeldt captured in his botanical photographs. What I like about Alli Coate's Transparency are the holes in the fabric, to show another layer behind. The embroidery is so simple, but it has so much potential for artistic experimentation.
Red Category Winner - Rainbow of Stitches Contest

The winner of the red category is Cath from Chunky Chooky.
Describe yourself in 10 words or less.
Optimistic, opinionated, craft- obsessed, vertically gifted, tea lovin', mum, wife.
What inspired your entry?
What I love about embroidery is the most basic of shapes can look amazing just filled in with a few different colours. I wanted a simple shape to fill in that would look good hung on my wall. As soon as I saw the deer silhouette I knew I had to stitch it.
What is your favourite stitch?
Its a toss up between backstitch and long & short stitch
Who or what inspires you to stitch?
I have always wanted to stitch... but wandering around the local craft shop with the Winne the Pooh / teddy inspired stitching...it made me gag ... when I stumbled across Sublime Stitching and Subversive Cross Stitch I thought FINALLY!!! Something I want to stitch! I bought a few patterns and books and set to work.
How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I have been doing embroidery for about 6 months. I am still learning and I am constantly emailing stitchy bloggers/ flickr contacts with questions... they have all been so helpful. I got started with a Sublime Stitching iron on transfer...
Are there any stitchers in the Feeling Stitchy Flickr pool you have noticed?
Lovin" Goodgorilla and jammysage
Thanks so much for choosing me as a finalist!
- - - - - - - -
The red category was hotly contested. There were a huge number of entries & the competition was fierce.
There's a gallery of red stitchery here which Cath's deer was selected from. I think that they all deserve an honorable mention.
Well done Cath - your piece is beautiful.
Are you ready for some winners?
No? Ok, I guess we won't tell you then...
What? You do want to know? Oh, okay then! :)
What's that I hear? You want to know them all right now? Well, we're going to reveal 2 a day for the next 5 days, so you'll just have to keep checking back here!
How about I introduce our esteemed panel of Mystery Judges while you wait? :)
The Judges
Red: Kirsty
Orange: Carina
Yellow: Sam
Green: Nicole
Blue: Beefranck
Violet: Jenny Hart
Pink: Pam (Kittykill)
White: John
Black: Jo
Surprise Rainbow Category: floresita
That's right, we'll be introducing you to 10 different category winners over the next 5 days, at the end of which, you will all get to vote for the Grand Prize winner who'll receive the Rainbow of Stitches book and a complete set of DMC floss (454 colors!) Ready?
Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.
Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!
June 6, 2010
Patterns: Cupcakes
Hi, I'm Jo - I feature new embroidery patterns Sundays on Feeling Stitchy. I also post on our Twitter and Pinterest.
Is there a new pattern you'd like us feature? Email me!
June 5, 2010
Goodness me, just found another beautiful stitchery in the pool I had to share.
Isn' this sweet and delicate? I love the contrast between the stitching and the yellow fabric. Lovely!
June 4, 2010
Orangey Celebration of Stitches
When I spotted this embroidery by Joey on Flickr it almost made me squeal with delight! The cute little tiger, the different shades of orange and the hand dyed fabric make this an awesome project. But what impressed me most of all was the variety of stitches Joey so effectively used in this embroidery. Read all about it on her blog and don't forget to check her shop which has the cutest felt brooches and hair clips.
June 1, 2010
International Quilt Market 2010
Here I am with fabric designer, new book author, and all around awesome person Melissa Averinos. Melissa's new book, Small Stash Sewing, features a wonderful project for embroidered unicorn and moon pillows. And whaddayaknow, that unicorn was at Quilt Market, too! (Psst ... as Nicole blogged a few posts back, the unicorn pattern is available as a free download on the Wiley site.)

Alyssa of penguin & fish

I had a great time at Quilt Market, and though it was my first time, I certainly hope it won't be my last!