
May 18, 2010

Surprise Prize for the Rainbow of Stitches Contest!

Let me guess, you like embroidery floss? And, if you're anything like the rest of us, you've probably stared at the DMC embroidery floss display, wondering what it might be like to own every single color. Well, the winner of this contest will wonder no more. Wanna know why?

Our winner will receive a complete set of DMC embroidery floss. 454 colors. One person. Every color of the rainbow. And then some. Have you fainted yet? I almost did.

Thanks to the wonderful peeps at DMC for contributing this amazing prize to our contest!

Oh, and look - their badge is even looking a little Feeling Stitchy-inspired, as a tie-in to our contest! Our original banner design is by Kirsty Neale, who won our 2008 banner contest. Thanks, DMC, for being so generous and supporting this community of stitchers!

And to all of you - have you entered the contest yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Because, if nobody wins this prize, I might have to keep it myself. Ha ha, I kid, I kid. Maybe.


  1. my heart is beating faster and I'm feeling a tad faint ;)
    Awesome Prize!!

  2. Ahhh, this is a great prize! Must. stitch. more.

  3. OOOHH - I love floss - all colours??!! That would be wonderful! I'm slowly collecting all the DMC colours - I buy ten skeins as a little treat when Michael's has them on sale ... thank you for the giveway!

  4. I've always wanted some of each, keep thinking I'll pick up one or two of each in numerical order every timr I go but I just never seem to do that. Thanks DMC and you for a great giveaway!!!!!
    Am just getting into colors that are not reds, blues, and black!!!LOL! Cyndi

  5. GET OUT!!

    This is the best prize ever!

    While buying some DMC floss the other day, I was thinking "Ohh, why do I have to choose between these greens?! I want them all!"


  6. I think I might have peed my pants out of excitement.

    (Okay, not really,but this is so AMAZING!) I really need to get stitching, if only life would get out of the way!

  7. To when this prize would be a dream come true!

  8. Thanks Feeling Stitchy for letting us participate in this! I can't wait to see what these wonderful creative stitchers come up with.

    Happy Stitching

    xoxo Emma Broidery

  9. Egads!! Fingers crossed......thanks for the ridiculously awesome giveaway!

  10. This would be the best giveaway to win. Ever.

  11. What a great prize! I would love to win! Please put my name in the hat.

  12. Every colour of the rainbow? How exciting! Thanks for the chance to win. from Jenny McH

  13. I am feeling sooo pressured now! Must complete my piece...

  14. Oh, this is a wunderful prize!
    I would very like to win!:-)

  15. Uh no, Flor. You won't keep it. You'll send it to me(eeeeeeee).

    *waves hand, Jedi-mindtrick style*


    Thank you loveley DMC-folks!

  16. aaaaaaaaaah! i can't handle the excitement over the prospect of winning. what would happen to me if i were to win?!?!?!!

  17. Please see this post for details on entering the contest. :-)

  18. Wow, every color, that is the stuff that childhood dreams are made of!

  19. I'm just getting back into embroidery and I always use DMC. What a wonderful prize here's hoping.
