
May 21, 2010

Real People, Real Stories

I came across Art in Stitches yesterday and was completely blown away. Susan Lenz is amazing. Her latest art piece is called "Decisions" and she is asking real people about their decision and stitching up their portrait for the world to see. Be prepared for a mix range of emotions from laughing to tears. The stories, the stitching and the images will move you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for posting this! All the portraits can be seen on my blog called "Decision Portraits". It's at

    I'm still looking for a few "models" though I'm on a tight deadline. The decisions I'd really LOVE to find include:
    "Divorced"....with stitched words "Irreconcilable Differences" (basically...a couple that will agree to have a photo of the two of them used); "State of the Economy"....with stitched words reading...."I never thought I'd have to accept food stamps"; and anything to do with aging/beauty (except hair dying...which I have) cosmetic surgery, years of regular tanning, liposuction, Viagra, botox, etc.....or anything rather controversial. Thanks so much!
