
May 30, 2010

Rainbow of tags

Embroidery back
Embroidery back originally uploaded by wardi

Have you entered the Rainbow of Stitches contest yet? There's still a wee bit of time! So get out those hoops and needles!

I want to just throw this out there: for the purpose of the contest would you make sure your entries are tagged properly?

For example, if you are stitching with yellow on a pink background, please only tag it with 'yellow'. Otherwise it will show up under both tags, making it harder to sort through the entries for each colour. We look at the colour of the stitching, not the background! :-)

If your entry has lots of colours and you just can't decide which one fits best, use 'rainbow'. Although it's not an 'official' category, atleast that way those entries will be easier to keep track of than having them pop up under yellow, green, pink, blue etc! ;-)

Don't forget, you have until midnight 31st of May to enter. The contest pool will be closed at midnight Honolulu time so everyone has a chance to add their entries. Check this blog post to figure out when that is in your own time zone.

P.S. If you have entered the contest, why not leave a comment on this post and let us know which country you are in? Would be cool to see how international our stitching is. :-)


  1. hello i've entered the competition and i'm in England :o)

  2. Hello! I entered too and I am in Scotland! So far it would appear that the UK is well represented ;o)

  3. I entered, and I'm in Sandy, Utah, USA.

  4. I am way down the other end in Bellingen, Australia

  5. I for sure entered! I love seeing all of the entries. :)

    Im in South Jordan, Utah, USA.

    (Hiya, neighbor Amber!)


  6. I entered, and I'm from Middle Georgia, USA :)

  7. I've entered from Southern California and I'm speeding speeding to finish my last piece!

  8. I entered the contest.I am in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, so the Mojave Desert is represented!

  9. I entered (go orange!) and am in Oklahoma City, OK, USA.

  10. Hello! another one from the UK!

  11. Hiya! I haven't entered yet because I'm still stitching! As soon as I've finished my breakfast (I always breakfast in front of the pc!) I'm back to do the last bits...

    I live in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, in the UK.

    I'm loving this competition!!
    Joey xx

  12. Hi...I've entered and I'm from New South Wales, Australia. It's been great fun looking at all the entries!

  13. Hello! Budapest, Hungary here! :)

  14. I'm in FL, USA :)

  15. Hi, I am from the Netherlands and I have entered the competition.

  16. Hello from Athens, Greece! I am a beginner in embroidery but I entered too ;)

  17. I entered this contest too. I'm from The Netherlands.

  18. I am only in Southern California. But, sometimes people think we are way in left field. (Me excluded)

  19. I entered as well and I'm LOVING what everyone else has been submitting. This was a fantastic idea!

    Oh, I'm in the US. Milwaukee, WI specifically. ;)

  20. Hey I'm in Vegas Baby! Glad to see I'm not the only stitcher out here in the heat! ;)

  21. Hey! I just got mine in at the knick of time. :) Im in the NW USA!
    So many lovely pieces. Great work everyone!

  22. :)) Missed my chance!! My baby was unwell for the past two completely lost track of time.I was under the assumption that today is may 31st :)

    Deepa from India

  23. Hi, y'all, from Middle Tennessee, USA. I entered, but just for fun, as there are SO MANY awesome entries. I'm glad I'm not one of the judges! :)

  24. there must have been other canadians who entered!

    i'm in the vancouver, bc area.

  25. Hi, my name is Tanya aka CutieGoodie. Originally I'm from Belarus, but I have been living in United States for about 6 years.
    There is a place in the world which is called Etna, Maine:)

  26. Not so international...Riverside, California:-)

  27. Hi! I have also entered, I'm in Ontario, Canada.

  28. I'm in the UK, Kent actually. I only entered one thing. I had wanted to enter another but work constraints stopped me from getting the piece even started :-( I'm still going to do it though, just for fun!

  29. Hi! I submitted an entry and I live in California.

  30. Hello, I've entered and I'm from Davis, California.

  31. was awesome to participate in this international event. I have posted one of my redworks under the the name made to treasure...i love watching all the beautiful creations in the pool.

    I'm bloging from Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

  32. I entered from Melbourne, Australia

  33. Great contest, I have an entry in the red catergory and I'm from Bangalore, India.

  34. Hello! I've entered the contest, stitching in the Gulf Coast, way down by Cape Coral, Florida, USA. Enjoyed seeing all the enteries from arond the world!

  35. Another Aussie here (Perth).
