May 12, 2010

Interview with Matt, who I met amongst the chili cheese dogs

atface by Matt Schoch

So Matt, before we met and ate chili cheese dogs on the night of May 7, 2010, at approximately 11:20 PM, had you ever heard of a blog called Feeling Stitchy?

I haven’t heard of the blog but after looking through it today, I’ve decided to make it a part of my daily internetting. I’m way intimidated now! I’m still very new to embroidering and there is so much great work!!

Uh-huh. So you weren't trying to give me a heart attack with your embroidery (just look at those stitches!) while I was at my most vulnerable state, eating chili cheese dogs. I'm not buying it.

You were wearing a bowtie. With owls on it. Please elaborate.
It’s my first bow tie! Did you like it? I went to a strange Martha Stewart craft fair thing last year and fell in love. My sister was with me and she made me leave that booth for 5 minutes. Christmas day, santa brought me the owl tie!
Did I like it? If I hearted it any harder, I might have had a heart attack. In addition to the first one, caused by your embroidery. 

astronaut by Matt Schoch

Do you sell your work? Or, could I trade you for a vegetarian cheese dog?
I do sell my embroideries! I’m selling them with my friend Veronica at Renegade this year in McCarren park. June 5th+6th baby! Although I am totally down for a barter! Make it two veggie cheese dogs and we’ll talk...

awesome by Matt Schoch

Can you tell me what else you do? Aside from carry the most amazing cameras and books on your person, at all times.
What else do I do eh? I’ve been gallery hopping a bunch! Gallery Hanahou has a really good show up right now that you should definitely go check out. Last night I went to the Parsons senior thesis show which was real inspiring. Although that free wine did me in yet again!

Where can we find you? Etsy? Flickr? Twitter?
Ah! I don’t have any work up online yet. I’m going to get a Flickr account going once I’ve wrangled all my embroideries together. Veronica and I will have an Etsy too starting the day of Renegade. I don’t want to sell something before being able to show it off!

Our Etsy:
Be sure to check it out in June when we fill it up with fun fun stuff.

I have a few fun blogs though like and
Oh I'm a part of this illustration blog:

Matt, thank you for letting me pry through your camera bag, invade your manga book, and photograph your shirt, bow tie, and embroidery. You were a wonderful good sport about it.

Some more of Matt's work:
happy by Matt Schoch

duck by Matt Schoch

Isn't Matt's stitching amazing? Visit his blog to see more, and definitely check him out at Renegade Craft Fair, or his Etsy (in June)!

Hi, I'm floresita, editor of Feeling Stitchy. I'm an avid stitcher, knitter, and crafter. You can see more of my stitching on Instagram and my blog. My vintage transfer collection is on Vintage Transfer Finds.

Feel free to email me with any ideas for the blog!