Have you entered the Rainbow of Stitches contest yet? There's still a wee bit of time! So get out those hoops and needles!
I want to just throw this out there: for the purpose of the contest would you make sure your entries are tagged properly?
For example, if you are stitching with yellow on a pink background, please only tag it with 'yellow'. Otherwise it will show up under both tags, making it harder to sort through the entries for each colour. We look at the colour of the stitching, not the background! :-)
If your entry has lots of colours and you just can't decide which one fits best, use 'rainbow'. Although it's not an 'official' category, atleast that way those entries will be easier to keep track of than having them pop up under yellow, green, pink, blue etc! ;-)
Don't forget, you have until midnight 31st of May to enter. The contest pool will be closed at midnight Honolulu time so everyone has a chance to add their entries. Check this blog post to figure out when that is in your own time zone.
P.S. If you have entered the contest, why not leave a comment on this post and let us know which country you are in? Would be cool to see how international our stitching is. :-)