
April 11, 2010

Patterns: Alice in Wonderland pattern round up

Now maybe it's because there's a movie . . . but I think Alice in Wonderland is a perpetually lovely subject to embroider and this is shown by the large number of Alice in Wonderland patterns out there, so I thought a round up of recent, nearly recent or down right vintage patterns would be in order.

Left to right, top to bottom
1. Alice and the Cheshire Cat was embroidered by Flickr user glazedangel101 from this vintage embroidery pattern. There are lots of vintage Alice patterns out there on Flickr, I'd recommend looking in the Hoop Love Vintage Transfer pool.
3. drink me, part of an Alice in Wonderland embroidery pattern set by Incy Wincy Stitches
4. Or of course you could always go to the original source material for inspiration; this Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter was stitched by Flickr user Shariub and is based on one of the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, which as line drawings, make a great place to look for embroidery designs.
5. White Rabbit finished by Follow the White Bunny loves to hop up on Flickr quite a bit and
6. Alice in Wonderland Embroidery Pattern is a new set of free embroidery patterns by Green Jello.


  1. these are great! I love the idea of using the original line drawing illistrations as a pattern. Just lovely!

  2. Oh thank you thank you! You have saved me some searching time. I love Alice and my grown daughter does too>

  3. Love them!
    I linked you to my website!

    So cute!

