I'm all hot 'n bothered from the floss and scissor porn on here. It forced me to bring out the scissors that turn me on the most. I found these in Chinatown a couple of years ago in one of those little dollar-store like shops with woks, tools, kitchen supplies...you know the kind of store I'm talking about. I'm a-hoping we can find a source for them and offer these beauties for sale at Sublime Stitching so you can love on them, too. (eta: Maybe "scissor porn" doesn't sound quite as nice as "floss porn". Ouch!)
must have these!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I am jealous of those! You should share! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHee hee, yes it does sound a bit painful, but I can dig it! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, those are really cool!! Please let us all know when you find a distributor!! They are soooo neat looking!
oh my, those scissors have me week at the knees! so pretty.
ReplyDeleteThey look like bonsai scissors to me. You know, for trimming/ shaping those little trees! If they are, they should be very strong and sharp. Great find. They're so pretty!