I hope 2009 is going well for everyone! Each month, I like to feature a Craftster that really stands out and who's work is amazing. The featured artist is picked by fellow Craftsters by hitting the "this rocks" button. We have had so many amazing pieces of work. This month's featured artist is SnueGliffer. Her Alice in Wonderland piece is amazing! Take a look!

Let's find out more about this amazing talent, shall we...
1. Tell me a little bit about the project.
Previously I'd been using Sublime Stitching transfers to practice stitches,because I'm fairly new to embroidery. I thought the next step in learning would be to experiment with methods of transferring drawings of my own choice onto fabric. I decided to use the Tenniel "Alice'sAdventures In Wonderland" illustrations from a colouring book I'd bought a few years ago. I've always loved the illustrations, & because of this I thought a series of them would be good for a first major project because I wouldn't become bored with stitching Alice & the other characters.
2. Tell me a little about yourself
I'm 39, & I share my flat in Manchester, England with so much stuff I've collected over the years (nun dolls, books, vintage car models, kitsch religious bric-a-brac etc. etc.) which makes housework very difficult. In fact, I rarely do it (good excuse!). I love nature & animals, & dream of one day inheriting a fortune (don't we all?) & buying my own animal sanctuary. I'm very much a night owl. I have terrible insomnia, but I like the nighttime/early morning best. The silence helps me concentrate on my needlework better. I dabble in a variety of crafts, but embroidery & knitting are my favourite.
3. What/who inspires you?
I have a long list of projects I'd like to begin in the future because every day I see a picture, painting, illustration in a book that I'd like to stitch. I'm partial to old illustrations, particularly in children's books & anatomical drawings in early 20th century medical texts (a future project!). Of course the Craftster forums are a source of huge inspiration, as are craft blogs.
4. How long have you been stitching and how did you get started?
I've been embroidering for around seven months now. Before that I was a cross stitcher, but I began to feel cross stitch can be a little bit restricting. I didn't want hard pixelated edges on particular things, such as portraits. I was actually inspired to take up embroidery after looking at the Sublime Stitching forum at Craftster! I bought the book, & sent for some transfers & I was immediately addicted.
6.What's your favorite word and least favorite word....
favourite word: Higgledy-piggledy. (sounds cute & sums up my life & thoughts perfectly )
least favourite word: Mathematics. (summons up the dread of maths classes at school & the near-phobia i have of numbers)
Beautiful work! Thanks for featuring SnueGliffer. What talent!
this is gorgeouse work. I love reading these inteviews.