I'll be teaching a free embroidery class at the Madewell store in Soho on Thursday, Dec. 4 from 7-9 PM with an awesome designer, Cal Patch. You're all invited! You may have seen those little embroideries above on Craftzine and Craftgossip - we'll show you how to make a mini holiday embroidery of your own. A free mini hoop, denim square, tracing paper, needles and thread will be on hand so you can craft your own mini masterpiece in the store. We'll even have some goodies from Sublime Stitching to take away!
Madewell is an awesome new clothing brand - as part of the event you can get $25 off any denim. There'll also be a DJ and complimentary drinks in case your embroidery suddenly goes south. ;) I know that not all of you live in New York, but please put the word out to anyone who does!
Madewell has a Facebook page you can check for more information, and RSVP. I would LOVE to see and meet you all in person, whether you're a beginner or an old pro, we can all learn from each other!
Madewell is located at: 486 Broadway (at Broome), NY NY (click for a Google map) Please come out and make your own mini embroidery with Cal and I! :)