One: I love lining up all the colors and picking through them. I love buying the thread and choosing as many colors as I can find.

Two: I love expressing myself in thread, little quotes and lines that challenge my behaviour!

Three: Embroidery is a great rainy day project! I always have to be busy, and embroidery travels easy, so I can carry some in my purse for those times I have to "wait", and then I don't get crabby!

Four: Sometimes embroidery can remind me what's good for me. Slow down, look around, take notes, sketch, feel, dream, wonder............

Five: Embroidery can become addictive, but a good addiction........
Let me know why you love embroidery in your comments.
I love how calming and meditative embroidery is. Normally, I have a hard time shutting off my brain and turning off anxiety, but I can easily lose myself in the repetitive motion of stitching. The stress relief that comes with embroidery is so valuable to me.
ReplyDeleteEmbroidery was one of my first crafts- I used to ride my bike to the local store ( I think it was a five and dime, but I don't want to sound so old) and use my allowance to buy those iron on patterns and some thread.
ReplyDeleteReviving it now in my art makes me feel good.
Also, I love the colors and textures you can get!
I LOVE embroidery because it allows me to bring color and texture into my metalwork in a way that is completely differnt and my own!
ReplyDeleteI just was wondering where you got that cute Halloween Peanuts card of Lucy.. I have a few playing cards sets (Peanuts), but I don't have a Halloween one!
ReplyDeleteI like how creative I feel when I'm embroidering. I also enjoy thinking about the people I'm embroidering for. I first began embroidering on my bell bottom jeans in 7th grade and I haven't quit.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: When you take-along your embroidery, do you have a special tote with nifty pockets and such? That's what I need.
embroidery thread comes in so many colors and is very inexpensive; so if I feel the need to buy something, embroidery thread is the best! Also, there's something so delicate and artistic about embroidery. :)
ReplyDeleteI love how it's something I can do with my hands even when my mind is elsewhere, and gives me an excuse to sit, think, and sort out my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI also love the tactility of the end result...it's so different from paint or ink. It feels very *real* under your fingers, if that makes any sense at all. ;)
I am very much a novice to embroidery but I love the textural qulaity it brings to projects. It's a very soothing pastime but also a very creative one. When embroidering text, it really forces you to think about what you're 'writing' as you can't do it in a hurry!
ReplyDeleteColor, texture...something to fill my hands while my mind works...tactile...what's not to love??
ReplyDeleteTiffany: I got the Peanuts cards last year at Barnes and Noble. I am hoping to find some more this year.
ReplyDeleteGumbo-Lily: It depends on which travel and what I am working on. Mostly, if I am only bordering something with one color, it's pretty easy to carry a small scissor, needle book and spool of perle cotton. Sometimes I have to carry a plastic case that little boys store their matchbox cars in.
i love embroidery for many of the same reasons you do! i also love the adventure of finding new patterns and figuring out what new experiments can be made with them :)
ReplyDeletequestion for you -- i've been working on a pre-stamped, pre-quilted lap quilt for the first time and am having a LOT of trouble with the stitches. i'm used to cross-stitch and embroidery -- have been working with those mediums for almost 15 years, but for the first time i'm having issues with threads coming loose. i've been "hiding" my stitches in between the two layers of quilt which i'm sure is part of the problem, but i'm desperate for some way to keep the threads from coming loose when i wash it. any suggestions? i've asked many people and haven't gotten much of a response...
Why? I love all the cute patterns and seeing them come to life! Along with colors, any colors I like!!
ReplyDeleteIt keeps me busy! It makes wonderful gifts. I am currently in the process of making a stitchery for all my nieces and nephews so they can say to their children, "This is what your great aunt made!"
I also take it along with me wherever I go with my book, so I have a choice to read or stitch!
I love embroidery not only because it's so creative but because of it's tradition. While stitching I think of my great grandmothers hands as she taught me how. I think of my grandmother sitting in her chair in the wee hours of the morning working on a cross stitched Santa Claus for her Christmas quilt. I think of my niece & nephews excitement at learning how to make something beautiful. It's a way to connect to those no longer with us and those far away.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I must say it's one of the nicest ones I have come across.
ReplyDeleteI tried to find an email for you, please could you send me a contact email.
Best Wishes,
I love the rhythm of stitching. I love how I can get as creative as I want and/or keep the lines as simple as I like. I love how inexpensive it can be. I love looking through the drawers at all the colors of floss at my needlework store!
ReplyDeleteI love that it is so portable, & I quite like doing embroidery while the TV is on.
ReplyDeleteI also love that it can make an everyday item special & one off
I love that it keeps me grounded when taking crisis calls, it gives me an outlet to be creative. I love that it gives me excuses to watch bad movies-hee hee. I agree with Alli-it is very calming and meditative. It's relaxing and the end results are beautiful and I know will last longer then I will be on this earth.
ReplyDeleteOther people do yoga and I do stitching with needle and threads. Mostly by crossing the stitches. It makes me relaxed. It makes me happy inside. I also love the colors of the gathering of threads just before beginning the stitching and the texture of a finished work.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel strange to have these feelings and it is fun to read that I am not alone. :o)
I love your blog and would love to try my hand at embroidery. I've got my floss and I've got a few motifs I want to do but I don't know what fabric I should start out on. Can you tell me what fabric is best top start practising embroidery on.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a gret blog and lots of inspiration!
I think I love it because it is relaxing, it comes along quickly and even though I might be following a pattern I can easily change to my own tastes.
ReplyDeleteI am quite new to stitchery and I find it so soothing! It's like drawing only with a needle and it's very addictive!