
June 25, 2008

Chart your own text

Stitchpoint has a nifty tool for charting text for embroidery and crosstitch. Simply choose your favorite from the available 6 fonts and start "typing" using the keyboard on the screen. For @, &, and other characters click on Special Characters. The buttons in the top right corner make it super easy to figure out stitches for the particular fabric you are using. Enter your thread count, number of threads stitching across, and how much space you want around the stitching. For spaces between words use the keys to the right of the Special Characters key. When you're done print. Easy peasy.


  1. WOW! that is awesome! thanks for finding it! I haven't gone to the site yet, but just the idea is great! I wonder if it is for cross stitch only?

  2. oh, silly me. You said embroidery and crosstitch.....however, I checked it out and you are right--it is wonderful!

  3. Woo hoo, I just used this to write a personal note to stitch on a dishtowel! Thanks so much the heads up!

  4. It´s really awesome!!! It´ll be very, very useful to me!!!
    Thanks a lot!!!
