An embroidery sampler is defined as an example to be followed. Samplers are exactly what they sound like they would be, examples of different stitches. Historians say samplers started as a way of depicting events or stories in history and gradually the alphabet, motifs, and symbols were added. During the 19th century samplers became very important to the education of young girls in the preparation of their future roles of wives and homemakers. I can't say that samplers are made for those reasons today but luckily they are still stitched and making embroidery history.
How to Make an Embroidery Sampler:
1. Study sample designs in books, museums, internet sources, and antique stores.
2. Collect embroidery patterns for motifs, verses, or alphabets you hope to include.3. Combine elements. Draw a chart of your overall design.
4. Select fabrics, thread colors, and stitches.
5. Embroider your sampler and include your signature.
(provided by eHow)
There are many styles of samplers being stitched today from the traditional sampler on the left made by Jennifer of moving hands. . .

. . . to the witty sampler made on the right by flickr member, artg33k.

And of course the beautiful redwork sampler made by the ever popular, Redwork in Germany.
* For examples and patterns of primitive samplers check out the selection at Chestnut Junction.
* Here is a list of books all about samplers from Amazon.
* And if you are looking for free patterns, Vintage Transfer Finds has motifs and alphabet letters just for you.
oh how i really love samplers! they tell so much about the history of the person who made them. this is a funny selection, with a great variety of what can be done to make a sampler. thanks.
portland maine